State law bloc is prepared to vote on security ministry candidates next week

Posted: May 16, 2011 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
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Monday 16 May 2011

BAGHDAD – The Feed – expect a member of the National Alliance MP Hussein Al-Asadi to vote on candidates for security ministries within the next week, noting that there were many attempts to bridge the gap in views between the political blocs. ”

And al-Asadi told the news agency public opinion (and babysit) said on Monday: “meetings now taking place between members of the clusters for the purpose of reaching a solution satisfactory to all parties regarding the security minister.”

Noting that “the next week will see the meeting as well as an intensive of all the forces involved in the political process in order to reach consensus on candidates for the ministries.”

He stressed the leadership of the coalition of state law on the need to make concessions, blocks and the national interest and give up personal interests for the end of this file.

State law bloc is prepared to vote on security ministry candidates next week

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