Falh: all the political blocs agreed to suspend meetings until the full House of Representatives

Posted: June 5, 2011 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
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Sunday June 5, 2011

BAGHDAD – The Feed – A member of the National Coalition for the state of law Falh agreement of the political blocs to suspend meetings until the full House of Representatives, not the Iraqi requested an adjournment.

He said Falh told news public opinion (and babysit) announced today that “the political blocs agreed to suspend the meetings were taking place, including until the full sessions of the Council of Representatives after the end of the holiday Chapter Sharii,” adding that many of the issues that are discussed based on the views of Council members House of Representatives. ”

Falh added: “The postponement of these meetings may be granted an opportunity to present all the issues before the House of Representatives so they can be even to reach a compromise formula about it”

Falh: all the political blocs agreed to suspend meetings until the full House of Representatives

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