A special session in the Iraqi parliament to discuss the implications of «port Mubarak»

Posted: September 6, 2011 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
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Posted 06/09/2011 09:06 AM

After the release of Iraqi fishermen by the Kuwait .. Foreign Affairs stresses the importance of cooperation to remove the tensions between the two countries

BAGHDAD – Muhannad Abdul Wahab said parliamentary sources informed that the House will be allocated one of its future to discuss the crisis of the port of Mubarak and the presentation of the report of the Technical Committee, who visited Kuwait recently. The sources said: “The meeting will host the concerned officials, in addition to the present views of Representatives on future directions on this file, “noting that the parliament may decide to form a special committee to visit Kuwait for talks with members of parliament to remedy problems which may occur if insisted Kuwait to build the port and damaged in Iraq.

The sources denied that the report of the Technical Committee had confirmed the lack of access damaged by the construction of the port of Kuwait. Al Arabiya TV quoted Abdul Hussein Al Jabri, one of the advisers in the Iraqi government as saying: “The report issued to the Technical Committee governmental organizations that was formed in early July, and is chaired by the Minister of Transport, Hadi al-Amiri for the purpose of eliminating the obstacles facing the completion of the port Faw, confirmed that the port of Faw does not hurt at all, the establishment of the port of Mubarak the Great, “explaining that” the Iraqi government will not back down on the implementation of the port of Faw and is working to allocate the necessary funds, as well as the involvement of international companies for the purpose of investment. ” For his part, MP for the coalition of state law, Abdul Salam al-Maliki said “Parliament is determined to find appropriate solutions to the issue of the Kuwaiti port of Mubarak, in consultation with the government.”

Maliki said that “Iraq rejects military solutions, and that the government is serious in solving the problem of the port of Mubarak through diplomatic means and seek to discuss and bring the views and do not want any action detrimental to relations between the two countries,” explaining that “the accused Kuwait, Iraq fired missiles at the port, as a pretext to convince the public opinion international public and induce him to part. ”

It also said the “Iraq is still an open field in front of a lot of forces that reject the occupation and the militia, and that Kuwait is responsible primarily on the topic of the missiles it was determined the damage in Iraq by continuing the establishment of the port.” Maliki called in a press statement, politicians to stand up and stand strong against the excesses of neighboring countries “in order to not increasing ambitions in Iraq reflected negatively on the situation of the Iraqi street.”

It was a technical delegation headed by Thamer Ghadban (chief adviser of the Council of Ministers) visited Kuwait recently commissioned by the government for the ground on the port of Mubarak and to prepare a technical report about it. The report was discussed delegation in a meeting chaired by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in the presence of Rose Nuri Shaways, Hussein Shahristani, Saleh Mutlaq, the Deputy Prime Ministers, Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Transport and Environment and Head of Delegation Thamer Ghadban. For his part, called the leader of the Iraqi Awakening Ahmed Abu Risha to leave the issue of port Mubarak hands of the government.

Abu Risha: “Iraq is looking forward in its current building closer political, economic and social with all neighboring countries based on respect and dialogue,” stressing that “the statements by some parliamentarians, Iraqi politicians on the issue of port Mubarak does not serve the country and they give statements convulsive and non-policy highlight muscle with the brothers and brothers. “He added a feather in a press statement that” the government did not announce its inability or failure to resolve the issue with the brothers in Kuwait, “he said, adding that” once the government announced the failure of the talks and proved beyond Kuwait For politicians to adopt a prudent approach and fraternal in solving the problem.

“The MP Samira al-Moussawi has said: to mobilize international support for Iraq in the case of Mubarak, Kuwait’s port as it did to liberate Kuwait during the invasion by the former regime. She said in a statement quoted by news agency Nina that “the method of Kuwait to mobilize more than 30 countries through the United Nations to end the invasion of the former regime have, will be used by Iraq through the request of the United Nations to lift the harm it as it did not work diplomacy with Kuwait to stop the construction of the port of Mubarak.”

She Moussaoui believed that security at this port is not available except through Iraq’s agreement to build it, indicating that all the reports confirm that Iraq “will be affected economically if the construction of this port,” and Kuwait must bow to the voice of logic and reason to raise the damage to him, stressing at the same time that the government will resort to the United Nations in case of running out of diplomatic means to stop the construction of the port of Mubarak. However, the MP-Musawi welcomed the release by the Kuwaiti authorities of 12 Iraqi fishermen after their arrest in Iraqi territorial waters of the Khor Abdullah in Faw. She said that the Iraqi government has resorted to diplomatic and demanded Kuwait to release the fishermen.

On the other hand released the Kuwaiti authorities for them, is born comfortable and popular internationally, as saying. It is said that the Foreign Ministry announced yesterday morning that the release of fishermen who were detained by the Kuwaiti authorities, last Thursday, was an effort which, in coordination with the leadership of Iraqi naval forces. And the Foreign Ministry said in a statement it issued yesterday that “the forces, the Kuwaiti Coast Guard released the evening of yesterday (Saturday) for the fishermen who were detained in the territorial waters last Thursday,” asserting that the release of the fishermen, “came after it intervened on the subject, in coordination with the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Kuwait and the leadership naval forces to the Kuwaiti authorities. “The ministry added that” Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari held a telephone conversation with his Kuwaiti counterpart Sheikh Muhammad Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, asking them to cooperate to release the fishermen, “noting that” the Iraqi government’s position is the constructive cooperation to address the tension in bilateral relations based on shared interests and taking into account the legitimate demands.

“The ministry said:” Such incidents should be treated on humanitarian grounds and good neighborliness away from the atmosphere of tension and excitement. “also confirmed the Commission on Security and Defense Council of the province of Basra,” The Iraqi Navy received from Kuwaiti navy Iraqi fishermen with their boat fully equipped, “noting that” the fishermen in the development of good health, and they are under investigation in the central base of the Iraqi navy in preparation for their release. “added committee member Ali Ghanim al-Maliki that” the process of detention carried out with certainty within Iraqi territorial waters in the Khawr Abd Allah of what constitutes a dangerous precedent, “emphasizing that” most of the fishermen who were detained by navy and coast guard Kuwait in previous years were present inadvertently within Kuwaiti territorial waters.

“he said in a statement quoted by the agency Alsumaria News:” The overrun Kuwait latter Iraqi fishermen within the national waters compounded by strained relations between the two countries, “accused,” the Kuwaiti government by causing new problems with Iraq to distract attention from the crisis in the construction of the port of Mubarak the Great. ” Maliki reiterated that the “excesses Kuwaiti repeated fishermen and oil reservoirs border will be affected, including the State of Kuwait more than its neighbor Iraq.” In a related context, described the MP for the Iraqi bloc white high Nassif proposal, which is trying to Kuwait, put on the establishment of a navigation canal on the Iraqi side at their own expense as “Game Kuwaiti blatant and expansion of new at the expense of the Iraqi border.”

said Nassif, in a press statement that: “The pursuit of Kuwait for the drilling of a navigation canal on the Iraqi side stand behind Kuwaiti wish to make Iraq officially acknowledges willy-nilly demarcation unjust borders in accordance with the resolution / 833 /, simply Iraq’s acceptance of this project is an admission of demarcation current boundaries. “She added that” Kuwait may be able to divert water from the canal to the land for the purpose of expansion at the expense of the Iraqi border, as well as the drilling side of Iraq will lead to the collapse coasts to divert part of our land to water, “noting “The channel Khor Abdullah mainly Iraqi channel, has spent Iraq hundreds of millions of dollars on maintenance over the past years, was the last of digging of the canal between 2004 and 2005 at a cost of $ 25 million.”

She said, “Security Council Resolution / 833 / gave half channel of Kuwait and agreed to the former regime on this matter because of the weakness in that period and attachment to power in any way, and the right of appeal against Iraq now that the resolution 833 in accordance with Article 70 of Law of the Sea as a victim of it geographically. ”


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