Poll conducted in Iraq says Maliki’s popularity on the rise; Allawi is down

Posted: May 21, 2012 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
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05/22/2012 0:00

revealed a poll conducted by the National Democratic Institute of the American International Affairs, the popularity of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on the rise, while declining popular rival, the Iraqi leader Iyad Allawi.

The poll, conducted by the organization that works to support and promote democracy around the world, “The popularity of al-Maliki has risen to 53 percent, an increase of 19 points higher than in October. increased popularity of al-Maliki in Baghdad and the southern provinces by 12 percent and western regions by 11 percent and the northern areas increased by one percent.

As for Allawi, the popularity has plummeted to 32 percent As Speaker of Parliament the leader of the Iraqi List, Osama al. as percentage of supporters of the National Accord Movement, led by Allawi in the circles of the year to 17 percent compared to eighty percent do not support it. The survey thousand Iraqis face to face and make between 2 and 20 April.

reported 45 percent of those who respondents positively to the question: “Do you think that things in Iraq are going in the right direction”, which is increased since September 2011.

In the north, the percentage of supporters of this idea to 48 percent versus 44 percent think otherwise. was 45 percent of Iraqis said in November They see that the country is headed in the right direction, compared to 45 believe the opposite.

According to AFP, al-Maliki won the support of Sunni Arabs and supporters of the Iraqi List, by visiting Kirkuk and its emphasis on the Iraqi city claimed by the Kurds annexed to their region. also had a position of great for the owners who Kurdistan region accused of smuggling oil to Iran and Afghanistan, its impact on the street. ”


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