CBI rejects corruption charges; Stream of people ask for activating the investigation on the ‘excesses’ of the Ministry of Finance

Posted: October 13, 2012 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
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Published: Saturday, October 13, 2012
BAGHDAD (Union) – The Central Bank of Iraq yesterday on corruption charges, and described it as “pure fabrication and vague purpose. He announced that he Sifand these allegations, and sue all the parties and persons who brandishing it.

The central bank said in a statement that “all came in a hostile campaign against the Iraqi Central Bank untrue, which is a pure fabrication and unknown charges purposes.” And asserts that it “was the reputation of the central bank and the national economy at risk, also lead to the risk of internal and external economic.”

The bank pointed out that it “will rebutted these unsubstantiated allegations and prosecute all parties and persons who brandishing of unlawfully or illegally.” The head of the House of Representatives Osama Najafi announced on Oct. 7 that there is a suspicion of corruption in the work of the Central Bank of Iraq. He pointed out that the Council is making a “depth” in the policies of the central bank since 2003. And vowed to pursue the investigation “personally” to the importance of the issue.

At the same level, the President of the Office of Financial Supervision Abdul Basit Turki Hadithi to near present the results of the report of the Investigation Committee in the daily auction, organized by the bank to sell the dollar on the House of Representatives. The MP for the coalition of state law Haitham al-Jubouri revealed on 12 August 2012 for the formation of a committee achieve ستدقق in central bank records for data and sales and the names of the people who have access to hard currency. He explained that the work of the Commission of Inquiry is different from the work of the Commission supervisory Board approved the composition and includes the heads of the financial and economic committees and BSA.

On the other hand, called on the Secretary-General to stream people Ali Alsjeri, the Integrity Commission in the House of Representatives for activating the investigation of what he called the “scandal” of corruption in the Ministry of Finance and take legal action, and activate their role in the follow-up of the Directors-General.

He accused the Minister of Finance to intervene with the case, and threatened to reveal the names of the corrupt. The student Alsjeri “Integrity Commission to activate the investigation in a corruption scandal implicated by the Director General in the Ministry of Finance agreed to exchange two million dollars to an acquaintance forged banknotes.” He added that “the Integrity Commission is revealed by the case and announced.” He stressed that “a blind eye to the issue after the intervention of Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi.”

And pointed Alsjeri that “the case is still in office drawers Integrity Commission, which must take legal action against the said Director, and the right of every cause in the waste of public money.” He added that “on the Integrity Commission to activate its role in the follow-up general managers because they have become Hekana corrupt ministers and placed them interfaces for corruption.” He stressed that he “would send a formal message to the Integrity Commission to open an investigation.” The Secretary-General has threatened to stream people “revealed details of the names and documents and links spoilers in the ministries.” He said that “the game became open to all.”

The Parliamentary Integrity Committee confirmed on October 2, they pursue the investigation on 24 officials accused of financial and administrative corruption. She explained that the results will be announced after the completion of the investigation. She noted there are procedures for the arrest of some MPs, but they are still in their infancy.

The committee also decided to integrity in the October 10, 2012, interrogation of three ministers on corruption charges administrative and financial, and confirmed that it will be before the holiday of Eid al-Adha a request to the House of Representatives to set a date for questioning.


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