Archive for November 3, 2012

03/11/2012 – 12:07

Parliamentary source, Saturday, that the agenda of the meeting of the Council of Representatives of 30 of the first legislative term for the third legislative year, which will be held next Tuesday, includes first and second readings of the six bills as well as discuss the policy of the Central Bank of Iraq. (more…)

11/03/2012 – 1:06 pm

Baghdad / WAP / MP for the Kurdistan Alliance Qassim Mohammed said the House of Representatives will ask the government for reasons that have made them delay send a supplementary budget to this time after replay of Parliament.


BAGHDAD / JD / .. A member House of Representatives deputy state law Mohammed Ugaili that the names advertised in the media to take over as central bank governor is not the fact, likely to be selected substitute for Shabibi next week.

Ugaili said L / JD /: “The corridors of the House of Representatives trading names is three characters that nominated for the position of “Sinan Shabibi,” noting that the non-disclosure and confidentiality them comes in the framework to avoid that there is clamor in the subject or the circumstances of the sensitivity of the central bank. ” (more…)

11/03/2012 12:00 am

During the opening of the first day

opened by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of the 39 th Session of the Baghdad International Fair on Thursday with the participation of more than a thousand Arab and local companies and foreign and about twenty countries, was only a few hours until Land exhibition visitors were overwhelmed who Tnoawa according to the importance of the exhibition, Between senior government official provided by the prime minister and the investor or ambassador, economic or visits unusual diversity of the participants in the first and second days of the exhibition, which saw the presence of major international companies various disciplines, which included many of the urban areas, medical, food, electrical, agricultural, industrial and other companies that their officials stressed they are all seeking to have the force of presence in the Iraqi investment arena, the arena, (more…)

BAGHDAD – babysit – predicted by the Ministry of Planning National Development Plan is completed (2013 2017) during the next two months, confirming that the launch will take a long time.

Said Undersecretary Chairman of the Technical Committee for the completion of the national development plan, Dr. Sami when in a press statement: It is expected to be completed during the plan document of December of this year or January of next year, adding that the process of the launch will take months after ratification. (more…)

Date: 2012/11/03 11: 46: 24 Saturday

Baghdad (newsletter) … Economist Salim aldaini said, the importance of developing and activating the economic sectors such as industrial, agricultural and business to diversify national income resources, warning of continued reliance on oil revenues in the national economic construction. (more…)

JD – 11/03/2012 – 1:07 pm

BAGHDAD / JD / .. form of the Iraqi Council of Representatives of a joint committee of Finance and Economic Committees to choose a candidate who serves as Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq.

Noteworthy that this position is managed by the agency head BSA Abdul Basit Turki after recent actions, which affected the bank. (more…)

Alsumaria News – 10/31/2012 –

The United States, Wednesday, support for the independence of the Central Bank of Iraq in accordance with the Iraqi constitution, expressed concern a reflection of the ongoing investigations with bank officials negatively on the bank’s relations with other international banks if you are not fair and transparent. (more…)

Date: Saturday 03/11/2012 08:11 pm

Decision to appoint Abdul Basit Turki Shabibi sack carrying a constitutional violation

He and former Rep. Judge Wael Abdul Latif’s decision to dismiss Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi non-existent and does not entail any legal effect. (more…)

Date: 2012/03/03 08: 44: 35 Saturday

Baghdad (newsletter) … Former Congressman warned Hadi Al-Hasani, making the Central Bank auction to sell hard currency to private companies and the public because it would lead to financial corruption affects transparency.

He said Al-Hassani (News News Agency): the ECB to have recourse to withhold announcement of selling foreign currency opens because it will affect the transparency and integrity of the work of the Central Bank, but he can take to temporarily preserve the dinar and then returns open sale. (more…)

Issue 713, Friday, 2/11/2012

Agreed Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki with House Speaker Osama Nujaifi on activating cooperation between the executive and legislative branches for the conduct of the various state issues. (more…)

11/03/2012 – 12:55 pm

Called deputy for the Iraqi List, the House of Representatives and the government to label positions managed by proxy.

The MP said the full-Dulaimi, told all of Iraq [where], that “the parliament and the government to end the file of ministries and government bodies and institutions which are managed by proxy, and the designation of officials through the activation file balance, which by some as a face-least the factual to the quotas, to get rid of both cases on the blocks off hurry in this aspect by choosing characters that are efficient for these positions, without regard to their references political, religious or ethnic, and rely solely on the criterion of efficiency in their choice. ” (more…)

03/11/2012 – 12:39

Revealed the province of Baghdad, Saturday, visit the imminent arrival of a Russian economic delegation to Baghdad to see investment opportunities in Iraq.

The deputy governor of Baghdad Mohammed al-Shammari said that “a delegation headed by the Prefect of Chelyabinsk accompanied by senior businessmen and factory owners in this Russian region will visit the Iraqi capital soon to see the investment opportunities and to participate in the implementation of strategic projects in Baghdad,” adding that “the visit identified that during the month of December next year 2012. ” (more…)