Mohammed Ugaili is likely substitute for Shabib; Could be determined next week

Posted: November 3, 2012 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
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BAGHDAD / JD / .. A member House of Representatives deputy state law Mohammed Ugaili that the names advertised in the media to take over as central bank governor is not the fact, likely to be selected substitute for Shabibi next week.

Ugaili said L / JD /: “The corridors of the House of Representatives trading names is three characters that nominated for the position of “Sinan Shabibi,” noting that the non-disclosure and confidentiality them comes in the framework to avoid that there is clamor in the subject or the circumstances of the sensitivity of the central bank. “

and between the MP, the figures will be included aspects Calculus, competence and integrity and management, and improve proficiency management of this institution and agree the House of Representatives to choose one over the next week with starting sessions of the Iraqi parliament.

mentions that the judiciary has issued an arrest warrant for Shabibi Iraqi Central Bank Governor on the background of suspicions of money.

According to the report submitted by the Committee supervising the central bank, which included both of the heads of the two financial, economic and BSA under the supervision of First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Qusay al-Suhail: that investigations proved the existence of sale of foreign currency to banks and corporations themselves and that has smuggled to neighboring countries.

cabinet decided then the prime BSA Finance Abdul Basit Turki management position central bank governor and agency, with the issuance of the Judicial Council arrest warrant against former central bank governor and a number of officials in corruption cases.

was a member of the Finance Committee MP Magda Tamimi had described the report issued by the Presidency of the parliament on the Central Bank Palmtsra and unprofessional.

media and trading names for the post of Governor of the Central Bank, and conflicting number between three and four figures are “Zia Alckheon, safety Smeisim, the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, and Ahmed ÇáČŃíĺí.

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