U.S. Consul in Erbil: call on Baghdad to resolve outstanding issues through dialogue with Kurds and Sunni Arabs away from the force

Posted: June 3, 2013 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
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03-06-2013 03:49 PM

Erbil (newsletter). The Chairman of the Parliament of Kurdistan Arslan Baez with United States Consul General in Erbil, Paul Stephen, latest developments in Kurdistan and Iraq in particular and the region in General.

Statement of the Presidency of the Parliament of the canton of Baez, saying that mechanisms for writing a draft Constitution of the territory the special commissions from outside Parliament, which took 4 years and received about 5,000 comment and proposal in regards to the substance of the Constitution were considered and approved by a number of political parties and Parliament as voters received by 96 parliamentarians out of a total of 97, and submitted to the Presidency of the territory in a referendum.

He added: there are different views on the Constitution, with respect to those views, it was announced that there are three views of the first support the Constitution to referendum, the second returned to Parliament, and the third resolved through national consensus, but that there are serious dialogues in this regard.

Steven said: the role of the Kurdistan region in Iraq and the region, adding that Kurds in Iraq represent a living example for Kurds in the region where they were able to make a bright future.

He stated: the existence of Kurds in Baghdad is very important and is evidence that the Government, not a sectarian Government, explaining that ‘ mission to Baghdad is resolve outstanding issues through dialogue and away from military methods with Kurd or Sunni Arabs


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