Posts Tagged ‘Legislator’

AP: Kuwait opposition: Government offers resignations
By BRIAN MURPHY, Associated Press

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Kuwait faced a fresh bout of political uncertainty on Monday after opposition lawmakers said the government has submitted its resignation to the Gulf nation’s ruler amid a growing crisis over corruption accusations.

However, there was no official word on such a move, which could lead to parliament being dissolved and new elections — if it’s accepted by Kuwait’s emir. (more…)

Iraqi Legislators, Criticized For Inaction, Eye Shorter Spring Break

BAGHDAD — Iraqi lawmakers are considering halving their spring vacation, amid criticism that parliament has done little since it convened four months ago, RFE/RL’s Radio Free Iraq reports.

Iden Akso, an adviser to the speaker of parliament, told RFE/RL that a resolution was in the pipeline to halve the parliament’s spring break — currently from mid-April to mid-June — to one month in order to expedite the lawmaking process and make up for lost time “as the people are simply fed up.”

Akso, however, blamed the Supreme Court for the poor performance of the lawmakers. “In 40 sittings of the first session of the new parliament only two bills have been passed and the reason is that the parliament has had its hands tied by a Supreme Court ruling,” he said.


Iraqi Parliament, Parlamani Iraq

Baghdad, Feb.18 (AKnews)- Iraqi lawmakers said Thursday the Iraqi 2011 budget bill will be finalized Sunday after a Friday meeting between the related bodies settles the issues over the bill.

Karima Dawud, a lawmaker from the al-Iraqiya bloc told AKnews “for the interest of the Iraqi public” parliament decided to ratify the 2011 budget bill Sunday.
