Khalidi: Parliament is hosting al-Maliki to discuss the government program

Posted: July 14, 2011 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
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Thursday July 14, 2011

BAGHDAD – The decision of the House of Representatives Mohammed Khalidi on Thursday that the House plans to host Prime Minister al-Maliki during the next two weeks to discuss the government program for the next period.

Khalidi said in a statement to the news agency public opinion (and babysit): “The House of Representatives plans to host the Prime Minister during the next two weeks to discuss the government program will be implemented by the government during the coming period and that received by the Council of Representatives.”

He pointed out that hosting the Prime Minister was supposed to be six weeks before it is evacuated. ”

Khalidi said: “The host will discuss the security file, which is one of the most prominent issues to be raised as well as a number of other issues.”

The House had received the government program, consisting of 400 pages and will be distributed to members of the House of Representatives for the purpose of discussion

Khalidi: Parliament is hosting al-Maliki to discuss the government program

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