Araji: Finance Minister shows interest in implementing the demands of the chest for the distribution of oil to the Iraqi people

Posted: October 17, 2011 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
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Araji: Finance Minister shows interest in implementing the demands of the chest for the distribution of oil to the Iraqi people

According to a member of parliament for the Liberal bloc Bahaa al-Araji, said Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi interested in the implementation of the demands of Alsdralkhash the distribution of oil to the Iraqi people.

They said in a statement received by the independent press (Iba) a copy of the meeting with the Minister of Finance to ensure the demands of the most important things that a lot of Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr with respect to the distribution of oil to the Iraqi people, and these demands are the demands of the Iraqi people.

He said al-Araji, discussed the matter with the Minister of Finance on the mechanisms for the classification of these demands the legal form, and we agreed to be a support in a particular sector and we will begin the subject of housing.

And we found that the Minister of Finance and interactive significantly with these demands and referred the matter to the experts and advisers to activate it. Noting that the minister promised that next week, providing the amounts that can be provided and leave it to the Liberal bloc to follow up the matter in the political arena to issue approvals for the next budget.

He said al-Araji, a date will be the day for an extended meeting with all professors at Baghdad University and Mustansiriya about money and economics to provide expertise and legal advice to provide the technical report for this project.

He stressed that the mass of the Liberal pledge to the Iraqi people can go in this matter.

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