Archive for May 8, 2012

Application of tariffs beginning of July

08/05/2012 2:35

revealed to the economy and invest in the House of Representatives for identifying the first of next July as the deadline for the application of tariff law.

said committee member Abdul Hussein Resan Husseini told the “morning”: that he “discussed this topic at the last meeting of the Committee After that has been discussed adequately through frequent meetings with some of the official bodies and ministers. ” (more…)

Parliamentary rule out Iraq’s accession to the WTO

On: Wednesday 5/9/2012 6:59

Ruled out by the Economic Committee in the House of Representatives Nahida Daini Iraq’s accession to the WTO during the current period because of the many internal problems and the reluctance of economic projects in the country. (more…)

May 8 2012 11:18

Detect the Iraqi Central Bank for the high rates of inflation in the month of October increased by 2.7% from the previous month, pointing to the adoption of hard-line policy in the interest rates and submit them to the 16% to pay for commercial banks to make substantial modifications in the interest rates various bank to deal with this inflation. (more…)

Tuesday, 08 May / May 2012 16:53

Baghdad {: News} Euphrates described the Kuwaiti Ambassador in Baghdad, to the insured, Iraq as an attractive environment for tourism and has a prominent place and prestigious in the world, adding that the countries of Kuwait, Iraq and the effects of Almanmtma have a strong desire for tourism in it. (more…)

On: Tuesday 08/05/2012 14:35

Babylon (news) .. The head of the province of Babylon Chamber of Commerce engineer approved Afaihan Hashem that next July will see the introduction of tariffs and the granting of import licenses for imported goods. (more…)

Published on the original document which was agreed by the three leaders, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, and Dr. Iyad Allawi, leader of Iraq, Massoud Barzani, head of the Kurdistan region, the declaration of the House of Representatives for agreement on the formation of blocs (the National Council of the Supreme policies). (more…)


BAGHDAD / JD / .. revealed to the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary submitted a draft law of oil and gas in the Iraqi parliament after the end of the legislative term holiday.

A member of the Committee and the National Alliance MP Uday al-Awadi’s / JD /: B’datalh legislative term he entered the Parliament will be put oil and gas law for its own legislation, to resolve the current crisis between the central government and the region add to the problems of many terminate this law and explained, “The problem is escalating between the central government and the Region Kurdistan’s oil back on the lack of clear legislation. ” (more…)

Tuesday, 08 May / May 2012 13:28

Kuwait announced its agreement with Iraq in various outstanding issues between the two countries.

He said the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Iraq, to the insured told all of Iraq [where] that “Kuwait and Iraq had agreed during the recent round of talks on all outstanding issues and differences between them and it was resolved in terms of the agreement remained on paper only to be implemented. ” (more…)

Date: Tuesday, 08-05-2012 08: 39 am

Baghdad (newsletter) …Economic Committee member excluded from Iraqi coalition/MP/aldaini, Iraq’s accession nahida to the WTO during the current period because of internal problems in the country and the reluctance of economic projects. (more…)

BAGHDAD / JD / .. working member of the Finance Committee and the parliamentary deputy from the Kurdistan Alliance Najiba Najib to convene a conference for the advancement of private banks in Iraq in terms of legislative mid-June this year. (more…)

Date: Monday 05/07/2012 19:53

Opinions varied among a number of specialists in the economic aspect about borrowing Iraq from the International Monetary Fund. Some of them promise to step does not require any risk to the Iraqi economy and some of them several of the things that weigh heavily on the country’s economy, (more…)

Ask a State of Law coalition led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Tuesday three options to get out of the current political crisis as he emphasized that some political blocs of the beneficiaries in the positions held by the government and the deal as a political opposition.

The MP said the coalition, Salman al-Moussawi told (UR) that “there are three options to get out of the current political crisis which either have to resort to the national meeting and discussed all dilemmas through dialogue and in accordance with the Iraqi constitution or asylum National Alliance to form a majority government policy according to the Federal Court’s interpretation of the political bloc the biggest. (more…)

On: Tuesday 08/05/2012 14:30

Baghdad (news) .. The spokesman of the Islamic Supreme Council of Maaleh Hamid, from the end of the Preparatory Committee of the National Conference of the preparation of the agenda, noting that the upcoming National Conference is the best way to resolve the outstanding issues at hand. (more…)

On: Tuesday 08/05/2012 15:07

Kirkuk (news) .. He said government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh, said that the Council of Ministers which was held in Kirkuk today decided to set up a committee on Article (140) to resolve outstanding problems. (more…)

On: Tuesday 08/05/2012 12:19

Baghdad (news) .. Economic expert warned of the probability as beautiful the country was a major economic downturn if continued political problems, by reducing the movement of investment, lack of strategic economic visions of the relevant officials before the economic aspect. (more…)

BAGHDAD / JD was the opening of bids for the sale and purchase of dollar daily thirty-two thousand for buying and selling foreign currency at the Central Bank of Iraq day Tuesday, 05.08.2012 The results were as follows: – the number of banks contribute to the auction 20, the basic price, which landed him selling dinars / USD 1166,. (more…)