Economic Committee: GOI has yet to implement tarriffs as they would cause hardship on the people

Posted: January 12, 2013 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
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The Economic Committee: Government not apply tariffs to benefit profile
Date: 2013/05/12 08: 34: 45 Saturday

Baghdad (newsletter) … Refer a member of the Committee on the economy and investment Deputy/Coalition blocs Kurdish Jasim Mohamed Hussain, the reasons for non-application of the customs tariff to a hidden hands operate in the Federal Government have personal benefits from the non-application of the law.

He said Hussein (News News Agency): Although the tariff act is of important economic laws in the country that supports local produce but it is still not activated by the Federal Government for non-logical reasons and justifications.

He added that the Cabinet called for postponing the application of the law in the past year for a month and then for three months and then was its end date and also did not apply, and this evidence of people in the Federal Government views, taking advantage of the current economic situation, so they oppose it.

The tariff Act was enacted in the House.
The Cabinet announced that wait to apply tariff act until infrastructure for export outlets.

Customs Tariff Act passed the House new to cancel tariff Act (No. 77) of 1955, Coalition Provisional Authority order (now defunct) No. (54) of 2004 (trade liberalization policy 2004), Coalition Provisional Authority order No. 38 of 2003 (Iraq reconstruction tax, as amended).

The law emphasizes that it does not work with any law or instructions or regulations incompatible with the provisions of this law.

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