Posts Tagged ‘Coalition Provisional Authority’

11/25/2013 0:00

-Sought to gain access to a system integrated economic

planned central bank with the relevant authorities to get to the economic system integrated through a call to the private banks to send its observations and proposals on amending laws Central Bank and money laundering and banks to reach enact laws that serve the economic process in joint efforts by the central bank and private banks.

opened the central bank governor Agency Abdul Basit Turki Saeed yesterday workshop, which was launched in the presence and participation of private banks and a number of economic figures which will continue for a period of five days for the purpose of discussing the proposals made ​​by a number of private banks in order to promote the reality of banking. (more…)

Central Bank of Iraq, on Friday, he decided to transform the compensation government for Iraqis living outside Iraq and issued in their favor decisions judicial deterministic, while stressing that the conversion will exclusively Iraqis who have residences permanent and not temporary, pointed out that the conversion will be the currency Alognih According to the pricing in banks approved by him.


10/06/2013 – 14:40

Central Bank of Iraq, on Monday, that Iraq and the United States have agreed to issue a decision of U.S. President Barack Obama to extend immunity to the balances of Iraq, calling on various state institutions to do their utmost to resolve various outstanding issues. , (more…)

Committee Member: application of tariff depends on political and economic stability
Date: 2013-02-20 07: 52: 30 Wednesday

Member of the Finance Committee ruled out MP//Abdul Ameer Al-mayahi, tariff activation code during the current year, stressing that its application depends on the political and economic stability in the country. (more…)

The time on Tuesday, February 19 / February 2013 09:58 | |

A senior political source revealed about the intention of the U.S. administration to inform the Iraqi government a message that the U.S. government is concerned monetary and financial developments taking place in the country.

He said that the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad told the Iraqi government that the U.S. delegation from the U.S. Treasury, “financial” will arrive in Baghdad with a bank officials the U.S. Federal Reserve, “Federal Reserve” to inform the Iraqi government a message that the U.S. government is concerned about financial developments and current cash in the country. (more…)

The Economic Committee: Government not apply tariffs to benefit profile
Date: 2013/05/12 08: 34: 45 Saturday

Baghdad (newsletter) … Refer a member of the Committee on the economy and investment Deputy/Coalition blocs Kurdish Jasim Mohamed Hussain, the reasons for non-application of the customs tariff to a hidden hands operate in the Federal Government have personal benefits from the non-application of the law. (more…)

Date: 2012/12/01 16: 58: 16 Saturday

Baghdad (newsletter) …Congress voted in the thirty-fifth meeting held under the chairmanship of Osama’s House and in the presence of the 179 deputies, on Saturday, the Bills finished first and second readings of eight laws in the federal budget debate resumed for 2013, to raise after the meeting next Monday. (more…)

Dated: 8/10/2012 9:03:45 Friday

Baghdad (news) .. Accused member of the Finance Committee MP / National Alliance / Haitham al-Jubouri, the central bank by trying for the uniqueness of the decisions important for monetary policy of the country without consulting the government and the House of Representatives, calling to amend its law in terms consistent with the nature of the national economy. (more…)

On: Wednesday 08/08/2012 18:50

The member of the Finance Committee MP Haitham al-Jubouri, Presidency of the Council of Representatives to intervene directly to stop the drain of foreign exchange and money laundering in the central bank auctions



Announced that the parliamentary finance committee that the central bank has the powers of the replacement of a single currency without reference to the Council of Ministers.

A member of the Finance Committee Haitham al-Jubouri in a statement to the Agency correspondent JD / Adnanar / the central bank has the powers of the currency exchange alone without reference to the cabinet that has the support of the Finance Committee under Law 56 for the Coalition Provisional Authority, which authorizes the Central Bank of the management of monetary policy in Iraq under the supervision of the Commission Finance.


Date: Sunday, 03-06-2012 12: 07 pm

Baghdad (News)/report/Hussein Faleh/… Different views of members of the House of representatives and Government officials mentioning about the application of the customs tariff law in time, as opposed to some and others, insisted by deputies and experts is partially implemented. (more…)

Customs tariff law No. (22) for the year 2010 average
in Federal Customs Posts

Law / Document Number (ID): 22

Type of Law: Law

Date Issued: 10 Feb 2010

Date Published: 6 Dec 2010 (more…)

07/05/2012 18:45

Baghdad, May 7 / May (Rn) – The Finance Committee representative on Monday that the money retained in a fund to support Iraq’s (DFI) will cover the budget deficit this year of $ 13.5 billion, indicating that the deficit situation in the budget as the number of speculative and not real. (more…)

Originally Posted 5/5/2012

SIGIR Mission Statement
Regarding U.S. relief and reconstruction plans, programs, and operations in Iraq,
the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction provides independent and objective:
· oversight and review through comprehensive audits, inspections, and investigations
· advice and recommendations on policies to promote economy, effi ciency, and effectiveness
· prevention, detection, and deterrence of fraud, waste, and abuse
· information and analysis to the Congress, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense,
and the American people (more…)

Baghdad, May 4 / May (Rn) – The Iraqi investigative committee to continue the joint verification of funds spent during the civil administrator Paul Bremer and the successive governments without the existence of the exchange are shown they are looking for money exchange without the consent of the House of Representatives during the past years. (more…)

WEDNESDAY, 02 MAY / MAY 2012 08:59

investigative committee revealed in the Development Fund for Iraq funds formed by the House of Representatives, Wednesday, for the amount of $ 8.8 billion exchange of documents without, indicating that the total amount that is being investigated on it with a $ 61 billion. (more…)

Friday, April 20 / April 2012 14:19

Most likely a member of the parliamentary finance committee of collusion by some government officials and traders with officials at the Central Bank caused an increase of high exchange rates of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

A member of the Committee Haitham Jubouri told all of Iraq [where] the day Friday, “I do not rule out that there is collusion and cooperation between some government officials, traders and businessmen with some weak people, and corrupt at the central bank behind the process of increasing the height of the dinar against the dollar in order to gain and personal interests, especially since the issue of corruption in the country today, and even use for everyone and exist in many state institutions. ” (more…)

Posted 26/03/2012 11:50 PM

President Barack Obama named Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad Brett Macgork new ambassador instead of the current James Jeffrey.

President Obama’s nomination of the young diplomat needs Senate approval, which means discussing Macgork in his vision of Iraq, especially the escalation of the crisis following the withdrawal of U.S. troops.


26/03/2012 17:38

Baghdad, March 26 / March (Rn) – The Commission on economy and investment in the Iraqi parliament on Monday that the law on customs tariff new exception to the investment sector and investment companies from paying duties on goods entering Iraq, referring to the tax rate will be different between the goods and others.

The Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi, announced last week to set the first of June next date for the work of the tariff regime in Iraq after being postponed twice, stressing that this time can not be postponed to a working system. (more…)

19/03/2012 12:17

Baghdad, March 19 (Rn) – The Economic Commission representative, Monday, the activation of a law tariff will provide revenue of financially additional to the state treasury could be invested in the revitalization of agricultural and industrial sectors, while Asher Economists futility of activating the law, which will carry with it the negative aspects, stressing that the protection of the Iraqi economy is not by increasing taxes.

The Ministry of Finance announced yesterday it had decided to activate the tariff law in Iraq in June next, after postponing the implementation of the law to two consecutive terms. (more…)


Decline in the exchange rate of the Iraqi currency in a banner during the past few days against foreign currencies, particularly the U.S. dollar, raising fears among the citizens of the continuing decline.

And Some attribute this decline to an asylum Central Bank of Iraq to implement more stringent measures in the recent past regarding its sales of hard currency, especially the dollar, which has led to a lack of circulation in the markets and increase demand and thereby increase its value against the dinar, but others believed that the currency’s decline due mainly to the withdrawal of America and the growing divide between politicians, threatening the stability of the country. (more…)

14/02/2012 13:53

Baghdad, February 14 (Rn) – The committee of economy and investment representative, on Tuesday, the Federal Government to the necessity of activating the tariff law, stressing that the Iraqi market is able to be a rival to world markets.

The Ministry of Finance decided in September last to stop the introduction of tariffs until early next year due to higher commodity prices, high price in the country.

The Ministry of Finance of Iraq was postponed in February 16 last tariff law work for an unspecified time because of some obstacles faced by the law and the mechanisms of action. (more…)

The future of Iraq reveal that the Pentagon «stolen» Iraq’s money .. Billions of dollars utilized by the U.S. Army as a «loose» .. Highlight the investigation and hide files and data staff!!

“Weak control procedures and management,” the Defense Department, was the reason behind the ambiguity of exchange and the disappearance of about 8.7 billion dollars from the Development Fund for Iraq, so the report concluded the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, no reason really to ask that the Ministry of ancient works of more than 3 thousand staff at Headquarters hexagon shape, which symbolizes one of the pillars of American values ​​big, where there is no censorship!! (more…)

Posted 23/01/2012 04:30 PM

Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways with the help of U.S. Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction Ginger Cruz and her accompanying delegation records exchange two billion and $ 8 million after the Coalition Provisional Authority, headed by Paul Bremer.

Shaways and Cruz: where the looted Iraq’s money? (more…)

Posted 03/01/2012 09:03 AM

BAGHDAD – Babinaoz (Reuters) – A senior source revealed that there has been a secret negotiation taking place between the Commission staff and the U.S. Defense Department and Iraqi officials to end the file of the receivables of Iraq and the amount of $ 17 billion, which proved to be not fully spent in the period that took the Pentagon File Manager Development Fund for Iraq’s reconstruction projects.

According to «the future of Iraq», the possession And complete documentation on the case file mentioned and which reached the corridors of the UN Security Council turned it into a form that the Shura Council of the Iraqi and American and international accounting experts to audit the topic proved by documents that the U.S. embezzlement of more than 9 billion dollars. (more…)

Iraqi justice minister, a formal letter to the Chairman of the Committee to Protect Iraq’s assets Rose Nuri Shaways asking to approach the U.S. side to restore what is left, which was monitored by the Inspector General of the amounts subject to the restoration and of (5.27) million dollars. He had been of them (1.13) million dollars in March 2009.

A statement issued by the Office of the Iraqi Justice Minister Hassan al-Shammari, about his meeting with the Inspector General Stuart Bowen, received the “Twilight News” a copy of which had been discussed in the “re-payments development fund,” noting that the two sides discussed the reports issued by Bowen since May 2003, and included in the audit mechanism to spend the amount of (7.20) billion dollars, on the aspects identified by the UN resolutions under the Coalition Provisional Authority led by Paul Bremer and spent during the period of (14) months approximately (4.14) billion dollars. ”


01/11/2011 15:53

In June 2011, the Special Inspector General for Iraq reconstruction released a quarterly report that noted $6.6 billion in rebuilding funds went missing in 2004. The media exaggerated the story, saying that corrupt officials might have stolen the money. That led the Iraqi government to threaten to sue the United States to recover any misappropriated funds. The Inspector General however, always said that it was probably a case of bad record keeping, which was endemic at the time. Now it has conducted an audit that found that most of the money ended up in the Central Bank of Iraq, under Baghdad’s control.


Millions of dollars were found in the palaces of American soldiers after the fall of Saddam regime in April of 2003

Alsumaria News / Baghdad relocating U.S. economic, Wednesday, a new report to the Ministry of Defense confirmed that the investigation carried out showed that the funds in the reconstruction program the U.S. provided to Iraq in 2004 and is said to have been lost in mysterious circumstances, were not lost was not stolen but was transferred to the Central Bank Iraq which is found it is now.

The report said that “the Coalition Provisional Authority led by Paul Bremer, set up by the United States to run Iraq after the invasion in 2003, it controlled during their rule of 14 months (replaced in June 28, 2004) to $ 20.7 billion, within $ 6.6 billion lost, “according to site Bloomberg U.S.. The Inspector General Stuart Bowen’s report said that “money is not missing, and we have enough information to confirm that most of them around to the Central Bank of Iraq, and the other to the Board of Directors of Federal Reserve Bank of New York,” after release of the report did not reach the results of tracking the process of auditing in 2010. The Integrity Committee in the Iraqi parliament and directed, in June 2011, a formal letter to the United Nations says that the “data all indicate that the institutions of the United States in Iraq, committed corrupt financially by theft of $ 6.6 billion allocated for the reconstruction program the U.S..


Posted 08/10/2011 06:23 AM

BAGHDAD – Babinaoz: accused of Integrity Committee in the House of Representatives, the United States wasting Iraqi funds through its disposal 17 billion dollars without the face legal. A member of the high Nassif, “The To inspect the Parliamentary Integrity Committee recommendations That will come out in the interim report of the parliamentary committee responsible for monitoring the funds file Development Fund for Iraq. ”

The parliament instructed its Committee of some of its members under the chairmanship of the National Congress leader, Ahmed Chalabi, deputy to follow the disappearance of 17 billion from the funds of the Development Fund for Iraq.


07/10/2011 12:13

Erbil, October 7 / October (Rn) – The Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs, that the Iraqi government approved the formation of a special committee to follow up the disappearance of $ 17 billion from the fund for the reconstruction of Iraq, which was overseen by the Coalition Provisional Authority headed by Paul Bremer, said in a statement Office Shaways.

According to the statement received by the Kurdish news agency (Rn) a copy of it, that “the Special Committee to establish a mechanism to ensure the protection of Iraqi funds studied the disappearance of $ 17 billion of Iraqi funds,” adding that “the Commission hosted a meeting of the Deputy Inspector General of American Affairs, re- Ginger Cruz, the reconstruction of Iraq. ”
