Archive for May 15, 2012

Revealed the parliamentary finance committee on Tuesday that the deletion of zeros and replacing Iraqi currency Seetman early January 2013, as pointed out it will start printing the new currency in various categories in September. (more…)

Disclosure of a political agreement not to withdraw confidence from the al-Maliki for the implementation of the Arbil

Posted 15/05/2012 08:33 AM

CNH: Babinaoz (Reuters) – A senior source revealed on Tuesday, the existence of an initial agreement between the political blocs not to withdraw confidence from the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, go back to the last and made promises of a new implementation of political agreements including the agreement of Arbil. (more…)

Tuesday, May 15 / May 2012 14:33

Baghdad {: News} Euphrates MP for the Liberal parliamentary bloc Ali al-Timimi that “Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki showed great flexibility with the paper that came out of the consultative meeting in Erbil.”

And saw in Erbil earlier consultative meeting included both President Jalal Talabani and Mr. Sadr, and Masoud Barzani, president of the Kurdistan region and Iyad Allawi, head of the coalition in Iraq and Osama Najafi House Speaker did not attended by representatives from a coalition of state law. (more…)

2012-05-15 09:03:01

BAGHDAD (Iba) … MP-Janabi, a member of the appearance of the Iraqi List, the concessions made by the State law a positive step, that Mbenna Alaracahlatrid guarantees, but seeks to apply the conventions of Arbil only.

He said al-Janabi, told the independent press (Iba) .. These steps of the state of law and political recognition of partners means that there is wisdom, adding that the Iraqi List, do not want to complicate things but seek to resolve all issues as quickly as possible. (more…)

Erbil, May 14 / May (Rn) – continues to President Jalal Talabani held meetings with various political blocs to heal the crisis for a long time at a time stepped up the Iraqi National List led by Iyad Allawi, the tone of defiance of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki called the National Alliance to find alternative.

Having participated in a meeting with Talabani, prominent leaders in Arbil, returned Thursday to Baghdad and being since that time a series of meetings with Iraqi leaders in an attempt to defuse the crisis before the deadline given to the owners before proceeding with the withdrawal of confidence with him. (more…)

2012-05-15 13:39:40

BAGHDAD (Iba) … Deputy for the National Alliance that the meeting of the political body of the National Alliance meeting discussed the message seriously and detail of Erbil, in addition to discussing the political situation and the current crisis, stressing that the meeting unanimously came out and that he is not with the withdrawal of confidence from the government. (more…)

Deputy: the current parliamentary session legislation omitted a lot of important laws

On: Tuesday 15/5/2012 7:43

MP for the parliamentary bloc citizen Hamid vegetative to the current parliamentary session omitted the adoption of many laws that would serve the country significantly. “

And facing the current parliamentary session many of the criticisms by some politicians who see it lagging compared to the previous session despite the availability of the necessary conditions that are supposed to make them work optimally. (more…)

Required to accelerate the application of customs tariff

On: Tuesday 15/5/2012 7:15

Rejected by the Economic Committee in the House of Representatives Abdul-Abbas Xiaa proposals to postpone the application of the customs tariff

A broadly according to the Agency (news) The law of the customs tariff is important to support the national economy, calling for the Ministries of Finance and Planning to create requirements and mechanisms, which obliges the State to implement the law, Cglq borders and protect the border crossing points, stressing on the application of Law No. (23) for the year (1985) and that link to imprisonment and fines for those who enter the goods without being subject to fees Kmarkip. (more…)

Posted 15/05/2012 08:18 AM

Babinaoz (Reuters) – Arab Organization expected to ensure that export credit and investment to achieve the economy of Iraq during the 2012 growth rate exceeding 12%, is the first Arab, while likely to exceed the average annual income for the Iraqi people the $ 3000.

The organization said in a report that “the rate of economic growth is expected to Iraq in 2012 would be about 12.6%, the first Arab,” indicating that “Qatar is expected to come in second place with growth of around 6%.” (more…)

Auction number HY40 of government debt securities was a uniform price auction for IQD 100,000,000,000 par value of bills which  concluded on 14-05-2012.

Total public  IQD 201,000,000,000 Valid competitive bids totaled IQD 200,000,000,000 and valid non competitive bids totaled IQD 1,000,000,000 and The cut off yield (the highest yield of a successful bidder) determined by auction was 5.00%. (more…)