Archive for May 20, 2012

20/05/2012 11:07

Erbil, May 20 / May (Rn) – The head of the Kurdistan Regional Government, on Sunday, that the presence of natural resources in Iraq should be reflected positively on the lives of citizens, calling on the Iraqi parliament to expedite the ratification of the oil and gas. and Prime Minister Barzani said in a speech during the Conference Field First Energy International, which opened today in Erbil, “The Kurdistan Region hopes the reflection of the existence of natural resources in Iraq positively on the lives of citizens, and not using them to create tragedies and wars,” adding that “the region will continue in its policies with respect to oil and gas has on the basis of the Iraqi constitution, the federal permanent. ” (more…)

Sunday, May 20 / May 2012 18:49

Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said that Iraq’s desire to fulfill its obligations and the hard work and bilateral cooperation with the State of Kuwait all the way to end the mandate of the International Coordinator in preparation for the withdrawal of Iraq from the provisions of Chapter VII. (more…)

On: Sun 20/05/2012 20:55

A member of the Committee of Economy and Investment parliamentary deputy for the National Alliance Resan Abdul-Hussein, said it is unfair to postpone the application of the tariff schedule in the first of July. (more…)

SUNDAY, MAY 20 / MAY 2012 10:05
Source revealed, Sunday, that the Kurdistan Region President Download the Kurdish delegation participating in the meeting of Najaf, a letter from the U.S. side confirming no objection Washington from taking a candidate from the current position of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki instead.

The source, who asked not be named for the ” Twilight News “,” The U.S. side assigned to the Kurdistan Region President Masoud Barzani, to make representations to the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr to open channels for dialogue between Washington and chest. ” (more…)

SUNDAY, MAY 20 / MAY 2012 10:46
Detect a representatives of the Iraqi leaders’ meeting in Najaf for determining the leader of the Sadrist movement to the National Alliance within one week to end the crisis, and the answer to the reformist paper developed by the meeting of Irbil.

MP Hussein al-Shaalan’s ” Twilight News “,” The Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr insisted yesterday at a meeting of the leaders in Najaf, deadline one week to the National Alliance to end the political crisis unresolved, and the answer to the letter of the leaders of the meeting of Irbil. ” (more…)

20/05/2012 16:36:00

Baghdad (NINA) – President Jalal Talabani discussed with Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki the status quo in Iraq and means to reach permanent national accord in Iraq. (more…)

On: Sun 20/05/2012 6:14

The head of the Securities Commission Abdul Razzaq al-Saadi Enkhavd reasons, the general index of the Iraq market for securities very nature.

He said al-Saadi (range): The reasons for this decline is the result of investors awaited the budget for all companies and outcome of the election of those companies where the investor recommends the importance of choosing investment locations (more…)

News / Middle East

MP Haider Mulla, spokesman for the coalition in Iraq “Radio Sawa” that the actions of the withdrawal of confidence in Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has already started, adding: “There is work very hard to arrange the situation of the next government after the withdrawal of confidence from the current government.” (more…)

2012-05-19 11:49:30

BAGHDAD (Iba) exposed the Iraqi dinar since a few months due to the crisis of political reasons, and other related international sanctions imposed on Iraq’s neighbors, Syria and Iran.

According to economists, during the past few weeks the price of the Iraqi dinar exchange in the domestic market against the U.S. dollar from less than 1200 dinars to 1280, and arrived at certain times to 1300, which means that the dinar fell by about 9% against the dollar. (more…)

Date: Sunday, 20-05-2012 12: 25 pm

Baghdad (News)/report/Hussein Faleh/… Confusion reigned on the political landscape and extends to the economic situation, the outcome because the capital “sissy” and come to a place other than content as Iraq.

Affects the country continuing political crises hampered investment and enact laws which would help the national economy, which received blows for decades because of war and through the economic blockade and the fall of the Saddam regime, leading to chronic political problems since 2003. (more…)

The Minister of Finance, the Iraqi Rafie al-Issawi, said the Iraqi government funds abroad vulnerable to claims by creditors unless extended protection to these funds by the U.S. government. (more…)

On: Sun 20/05/2012 6:07

increased rumors and talk about fluctuating policies of the Iraqi Central Bank in recent times and particularly with regard to the work (Commission auction currency) The keenness of the Bank and the governor for the safety of this committee during certain procedures such as changing the composition of the Committee and the dimensions of his staff on the activity and the competence of this committee because of what was attributed them of improper procedures. (more…)

05/20/2012 3:01

Deputy: five conditions capable of reviving the economy most notably a correct vision

saw the dollar on Saturday, an unexpected drop was accompanied by clear decline in the prices of materials and goods in local markets, and attributed the specialists in the economic reasons for the drop to a kind of balance in supply and demand between the dollar and the dinar as the two goods can be purchased and traded with them, but economists said the rising rates of dollar sales in the auction currency held by the central bank was behind the low exchange rate of foreign currency (dollar) against the dinar, where the dollar fell to $ 123 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars, after rising in recent weeks to reach about 130 thousand dinars.



See The Currency Newshound Post for further Information:

BAGHDAD / JD / .. He said the legal expert Tareq war did well U.S. President Obama issued Executive Order (Decree), containing the continuation of a state of emergency and the desire to help Iraq. (more…)

CBI A special “gate of Iraq”

Deputy Central Bank Governor Dr Mazhar Mohammad Saleh said in a statement singled out the “gate of Iraq” that the fluctuation of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar in the first quarter of this year, start receding as the currency exchange tends to be stable because of the strength of the financial sector. (more…)

Date: Sunday, 20-05-2012 01: 57 pm

Baghdad (newsletter) … Confirmed the decision of the Commission of finance Deputy/Iraqi/coalition Ahmed got the continuing phenomenon of smuggling hard currency to neighbouring countries because of the inability of the Government full control of the border. (more…)

Date: Sunday, 20-05-2012 06: 24 pm

Baghdad (newsletter) …Browse Hoshyar Zebari Minister for Foreign Affairs, on Sunday, with British Ambassador Michael Barron and James Jeffrey Ambassador United States in Iraq, the technical preparations and logistics for the preparation for the meeting of the Group (5 + 1) on the Iranian nuclear dossier. (more…)

MAY 20, 2012 – The Vietnamese dong currency is rising, so exchange rate adjustments may be in store, said economic experts of the National Institute for Finance at a conference in Hanoi last week.

According to analyses by experts, the dong has strengthened by 23.8% against the U.S. dollar and by 5.7% against the basket of currencies of the country’s major trading partners. (more…)