March 2013 SIGR Report: Government Agencies Cannot Fully Identify Projects Financed with Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Funds

Posted: March 6, 2013 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
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Screen Shot 2013-03-06 at 7.33.03 AMIntroduction

Following the 2003 intervention in Iraq and the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime, the United States initiated a major relief and reconstruction program to stabilize the country, rehabilitate the economy, provide a secure and safe environment by recruiting and training Iraq police and military forces, and provide for humanitarian and emergency relief, among other objectives.

Over the last nine years, the United States provided billions of dollars for thousands of projects funded and managed by multiple federal agencies.1

These projects ranged from small-scale efforts such as providing cash to individual Iraqis for humanitarian relief, to large-scale construction projects to revitalize Iraq’s infrastructure. Altogether, $60.6 billion in U.S. appropriated funds were allocated to this effort.

Over the nine-year reconstruction period, executive agencies reported extensively on how appropriated funds were allocated, obligated, and spent in different categories and subcategories. These embraced a broad range of efforts from building electrical generating capacity to providing training and education on how to build democratic institutions. In this final audit product of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR), we attempted to construct a picture of how appropriated Iraq relief and reconstruction funds were used. This report presents the results of this effort, which was conducted between August 2012 and January

Read entire report by following this LINK

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