Posts Tagged ‘Stuart Bowen’

Screen Shot 2013-03-06 at 7.33.03 AMIntroduction

Following the 2003 intervention in Iraq and the fall of Saddam Hussein’s regime, the United States initiated a major relief and reconstruction program to stabilize the country, rehabilitate the economy, provide a secure and safe environment by recruiting and training Iraq police and military forces, and provide for humanitarian and emergency relief, among other objectives.

Over the last nine years, the United States provided billions of dollars for thousands of projects funded and managed by multiple federal agencies.1 (more…)

Newspaper world – 11.11.2012 – 9:54 am

Attributed Sinan Cpie central bank governor article, low volume demand for the dollar after his dismissal, to sizes venture capitalists, because fear of change may occur to the economic landscape in the country, and fear of possible measures against the Central Bank.

While emphasizing the Central Bank Governor ( Drawn hand), during a telephone conversation with “the world” yesterday, that its staff’s immunity to protect them from any accountability in the performance of their duties, under the law, called for the release of 20 female were arrested on the staff of the Central. (more…)

Saturday, 10 November 2012 13:10
Shafaq News / The Finance Parliamentary Committee in the parliament questioned on Saturday the reports issued by some U.S. organizations that $ 800 million is being smuggled from Iraq weekly in money laundering operations.

The member of the Finance Committee, MP Faleh al-Sari said in an interview with “Shafaq News”, that “we do not believe in the health of the reports circulated by one of the U.S. organizations of smuggling nearly $ 800 million a week from Iraq because of the money laundering operations.” (more…)


BAGHDAD / JD / .. Finance Committee confirmed that the recent actions, which affected the central bank maintained the two-thirds of hard currency in Iraq.

A member of the Committee deputy state law Haitham al-Jubouri’s / JD /: “The size of Miba now at the Central Bank of hard currency between the (90 – 130) million after recent actions, and in the past, what is sold up to 350 million dollars” . (more…)

Monday 05. 11. 2012

Mohammad Zia Issa punitive

At first glance, I try to form an idea of what happened in the Central Bank of Iraq, I thought I was in front of the issue serious clash where specialties Science of Finance and Economy, Trade and institutions (financial – economic – commercial) International and “aware” of corruption and other specialties, as did sets for Bali never “conspiracy theory” that take it, with confidence, that ignores the presence in the events in the Middle East in general and Iraq in particular, is an ignorant policy matters. (more…)


BAGHDAD / JD / .. hinted Economic Commission parliamentary to hard currency that came illegally from the central bank went to militias and terrorist groups, noting that the coming days will expose all the actors involved money laundering.

Committee Chairman MP for the Iraqi List / JD /: “The Commission’s investigation, which was formed to follow up the file money laundering at the Central Bank revealed the involvement of several points raised suspicions about some of the political figures, and the possibility that a section of the hard currency that came out of the bank went to the militias and terrorist groups operating in Iraq.” (more…)

Revealed the U.S. Inspector General Stuart Bowen in the last quarterly report, which was published on Wednesday, that this year in Iraq is full of difficulties of manifestations of the prevalence of violence and official corruption, progressively.

The report criticized the Maliki government, describing it as “corrupt”, saying that corruption is worse than ever, implicitly accusing the current Prime Minister “Nuri al-Maliki” contradiction when he stated recently that corruption remains a problem, although it said before for that rampant corruption is widely “is exaggerated,” a word also issued by the Head of the Supreme Judicial Council, according to the report. (more…)

I am pleased to present our 34thQuarterly Report to the U.S. Congress and the Secretaries of State and Defense.

On July 23, attacks occurring in most of Iraq’s major cities killed more than 100 people in what was reportedly the deadliest single day of violence in Iraq since 2010. hese attacks came during a period marked by political uncertainty. his quarter, a loose coalition of Iraqi political leaders, led by Kurdistan Regional Government

President Massoud Barzani and former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, spearheaded eforts to remove Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki from oice. heir eforts stalled when Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr backed away from supporting them—at least for now.


WEDNESDAY, 02 MAY / MAY 2012 11:29

report of the Organization of American control, some U.S. officers believe that the money allocated by Congress for relief and reconstruction in Iraq, may have ended up in the pockets of the “rebel groups”.

It included a survey conducted by the Office of Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, officers and officials associated with the leaders of the program of rapid response to requests, a fund used by U.S. military officers, in order to support reconstruction projects in their areas of responsibility in Iraq. (more…)

WEDNESDAY, 02 MAY / MAY 2012 08:59

investigative committee revealed in the Development Fund for Iraq funds formed by the House of Representatives, Wednesday, for the amount of $ 8.8 billion exchange of documents without, indicating that the total amount that is being investigated on it with a $ 61 billion. (more…)

The Baghdad Job: Iraq's Missing Billions

Premieres Monday, January 9th 9p | 12a ET

Monday, January 9th 12AM | 9PM ET (more…)

Iraqi justice minister, a formal letter to the Chairman of the Committee to Protect Iraq’s assets Rose Nuri Shaways asking to approach the U.S. side to restore what is left, which was monitored by the Inspector General of the amounts subject to the restoration and of (5.27) million dollars. He had been of them (1.13) million dollars in March 2009.

A statement issued by the Office of the Iraqi Justice Minister Hassan al-Shammari, about his meeting with the Inspector General Stuart Bowen, received the “Twilight News” a copy of which had been discussed in the “re-payments development fund,” noting that the two sides discussed the reports issued by Bowen since May 2003, and included in the audit mechanism to spend the amount of (7.20) billion dollars, on the aspects identified by the UN resolutions under the Coalition Provisional Authority led by Paul Bremer and spent during the period of (14) months approximately (4.14) billion dollars. ”


Millions of dollars were found in the palaces of American soldiers after the fall of Saddam regime in April of 2003

Alsumaria News / Baghdad relocating U.S. economic, Wednesday, a new report to the Ministry of Defense confirmed that the investigation carried out showed that the funds in the reconstruction program the U.S. provided to Iraq in 2004 and is said to have been lost in mysterious circumstances, were not lost was not stolen but was transferred to the Central Bank Iraq which is found it is now.

The report said that “the Coalition Provisional Authority led by Paul Bremer, set up by the United States to run Iraq after the invasion in 2003, it controlled during their rule of 14 months (replaced in June 28, 2004) to $ 20.7 billion, within $ 6.6 billion lost, “according to site Bloomberg U.S.. The Inspector General Stuart Bowen’s report said that “money is not missing, and we have enough information to confirm that most of them around to the Central Bank of Iraq, and the other to the Board of Directors of Federal Reserve Bank of New York,” after release of the report did not reach the results of tracking the process of auditing in 2010. The Integrity Committee in the Iraqi parliament and directed, in June 2011, a formal letter to the United Nations says that the “data all indicate that the institutions of the United States in Iraq, committed corrupt financially by theft of $ 6.6 billion allocated for the reconstruction program the U.S..


According to the Los Angeles Times reported that officials at the Pentagon still do not know the fate of the $ 6.6 billion sent in cash from Iraq’s money frozen in the United States to Baghdad, was supposed to be spent on reconstruction projects in the country after the war began.

The newspaper said on Monday that after the U.S. invasion of Iraq in March 2003, the Bush administration has pumped a lot of money to finance reconstruction and other projects, in the first year that the unit was established new accounts.

He asserted, Pentagon officials said the cargo plane and one of the C-130 aircraft can carry 2.4 billion dollars packed $ 100 bills have been sent in the first plane-load of money, followed by 20 trips to Iraq in May of 2004, U.S. officials believe it is the largest air transport of money in history.

Los Angeles Times: Washington does not know the fate of $6.6 billion of Iraqi funds