Archive for January 18, 2014

Parliamentary Finance Committee: deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency, the dinar serve, but the central bank is ready to replace the Currency (note: misleading translation)

17/01/2014 05:22 AM

Confirmed that the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives that “the Central Bank of Iraq is not formatted for the time being to replace the Iraqi currency.” (more…)

Announced a coalition united, said Friday that House Speaker Osama Najafi will leave later in the day to Kuwait at the head of a parliamentary delegation to attend the Arab Parliamentary Union, pointing out that he will leave next Sunday to the United States to discuss a number of issues with U.S. President Barack Obama and U.S. officials .

A spokesman for the coalition, Dhafer al-Ani said in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “House Speaker Osama Najafi is leaving today to Kuwait to attend the meetings of the Arab Parliamentary Union held its business in Kuwait,” noting that “Najafi will receive during his visit to Kuwait Amir Sabah Al-Ahmad and many Kuwaiti officials. ” (more…)

Finance announces the allocation of five dollars for every barrel produced in the provinces of the budget and affirming the possibility of fully paid

Ministry of Finance announced the allocation of five dollars from each barrel of oil-producing provinces in the federal budget for the current year, afterthought inability to pay the amount at once.

The finance minister said the agency purity of net debt at a news conference today attended by the correspondent of the Euphrates {} “The law guarantees issued share of oil-producing provinces and gas law, a right to take it.” (more…)

Revealed the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, that the population of the country has recently been increased to up to 34 million and 207 thousand people, while the total energy production sector growth of 30% according to the latest official statistics.

And spotted periodic statistical issued by the Central Agency for Statistics of the Ministry of prominent statistical indicators for the economic and social situation in Iraq, as performed by the Central Bureau of Statistics of the Ministry of Planning statistical indicators for the economic and social situation in Iraq for the years (2008-2012). (more…)