Posts Tagged ‘kurds’

At the beginning of March 2013 the Iraqi parliament finally able to pass the annual budget, which was delayed for several months because of the conflict between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the central government on oil policy pursued by the region. This conflict can not find a solution in time at which the vote was taken, which led to the grumbling of the Kurdistan Alliance. With regard to the actual budget, it is the largest in the history of Iraq, as it includes the largest investment spending, but many ministries have proven their inability to spend all the money allocated to them. (more…)

08/03/2013 13:03:00
Baghdad/ NINA /– MP Walid Mohammadi for Iraqiya Slate coalition described voting on the financial budget while Iraqiya Slate and Kurdistan Alliance were absente as arbitrary and a dangerous unprecedented as well as unacceptable process lack of any sense of national partnership. (more…)

7/3/2013 17:01:001


House of Representatives passed on Thursday and without the presence of Kurdish blocs, all articles of the draft budget bill for 2013, and announced Kurdish blocs that they will challenge the ratification of the budget of the Federal Court, and will have a political position about it.

In this regard, he said Dler Abdulkadir member Alliance bloc Kurdistan in the House of Representatives for PUKmedia: The House of Representatives approved on all material relating to the draft budget law for 2013, without attending Kurdish blocs, stressing that the Kurds will appeal to authenticate the budget and will make ways constitutional in this matter, and then they will have a political position about it. (more…)

The time on Monday, 04 March / March 2013 09:05 | |

Parliamentary source revealed the outbreak of major differences between the political blocs on the background of the statements made by some lawmakers and talking about the survival of Iraq under Chapter VII for another four years. (more…)

Screen Shot 2013-03-02 at 9.12.15 AMMember of Taghyeer Movement says it is probable the Barazani succeeds Talabani as President
01/03/2013 22:04:00
Erbil (NINA) – Member of Kurdish Taghyeer (Change) Movement, Nariman Abdullah, said that it is more probable that President of Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barazani, will succeed President Jalal Talabani as President of Iraq.

In a statement to the press on Friday, Mar. 1, Abdullah said that the post of Iraq’s President is for the Kurds, they have the right to nominate their own. (more…)

18/01/2013 | 10:23 AM | Gulf News
IRBIL, North Iraq, Jan 18 (KUNA) ­­ Former President of Iraq Kurdistan region Barham Salih lauded relations with Kuwait, affirming that both sides were eager to boost the bilateral ties.

He said during a meeting with a delegation of Kuwaiti journalists that both Kuwaitis and Iraqis have suffered on the hands of the former Iraqi regime, affirming that the new Iraq was eager to cooperate with its neighbors to achieve development and prosperity for all states in the region. (more…)

Date: 2013-01-14 18: 29: 36 Monday

Erbil (newsletter) …Search Media and Kuwaiti press delegation at the Ministry of martyrs and Anfal in the Kurdistan Regional Government, said Monday, the tragedies that befell the Kurdish people in the era of the former Iraqi regime.

13/05/2012 13:03:00

The independent Iraqi news agency / Baghdad / a. … The MP for the coalition of state law Abdul Salam al-Maliki said there who tries to delude the public that the crisis between the Kurds and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is a personal problem.

Maliki said in a statement received (and the Iraqi News Agency Independent) that there is trying to delude the public opinion that the problem is personal between the Kurds and Maliki, forgetting that the demands of the Kurds is not new nor confined to Iraq only, but are the same problems that exist in Syria, Turkey and Iran. ” (more…)

Writings Thursday, March 22, 0.2012 at 22:39

In order to complete dominance and lead at the authority to subject state institutions to the person and the impact of making officials in the Iraqi Central Bank measures to counter the falsehood of hard currencies, particularly the dollar that you enter Iran to Iraq, has ordered Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the development of monetary policy and management of the Central Bank under his direct supervision.

came this is an official letter and face-Maliki’s central bank governor Sinan Shabibi directing after the implementation of any monetary policy, unless presented to the government means to him and at his disposal and not on the Council as ministers and advisers, has pointed to this book Region President Barzani in his speech on the occasion of celebration, Nowruz on Tuesday last wondering:

The official in the book include: the Republic of Iraq Secretariat of the Council of Ministers of the Legal Department (more…)

BAGHDAD, Sept 23 (Reuters) – Recent amendments to Iraq’s oil and gas law have stirred new political tensions between the central government and the Kurdistan Regional Government in Iraq’s semi-autonomous north.

If enacted, the new law would give more power to Baghdad over all of Iraq’s energy resources, including those in oil-rich Iraqi Kurdistan.

Here are some of the major differences between a 2007 draft oil law approved by the political blocs, including the Kurds, and the new draft approved by the cabinet in late August and sent on to parliament for final passage.

Read more:

Parliament and Minister of Planning is hosting next week for the census

Committee announced the economy and investment representative, Tuesday, for hosting and planning minister next week to discuss the possibility of a general census of population in the country.

The Member of the economy and investment Nahida Daini in an interview (twilight) “The House of Representatives and Minister of Planning will host next week to follow up the basic design and new cities as well as to examine the details of the general census of population and how Ansiabatha in the country.”

Economists warn of a lot of exposure to the disruption of development plans as there were not an accurate database can be relied on to implement those plans, and it lies in a general census of population in the country.
