Posts Tagged ‘Public opinion’

10:37 16/10/2013
Congratulates the Iraqi public opinion by the Eid al-Adha

advancing family news agency public opinion (and babysit) to all the sons of the Iraqi people to the highest states of congratulations and blessings, on the occasion of Eid al-Adha.

And تبتهل (public opinion) on this occasion to Bari (Almighty) that Yemen on all Iraqis, and safety and security away from them the evils of enemies

Sunday February 5, 2012

BAGHDAD / babysit – The member of the Iraqi claim that Muhammad Al-Khalidi Iraq signed a new agreement between the political blocs to Schrj by the National Congress of its obligations to document and application.

He said Khalidi told (radio public opinion) on Sunday: “There was a bitter experience in previous agreements when he was signed by leaders of political blocs only and Iraqi demanding the signing of all the political blocs to come out by the National Congress of the agreements.” Arguing that the previous period was see significant differences and ambiguity on the mechanism of implementation of the agreements signed by the leaders of political blocs Kklari and al-Maliki and Barzani. ” (more…)

Sunday January 22, 2012

A member of the National Alliance MP for the State of Law coalition Jawad Albzona to keep Iraq under Chapter VII was not due to Kuwait, but because of the weakness of Foreign Affairs and the Iraqi government in Almtalbh rights of Iraq from Kuwait.

He Albzona told the news agency of public opinion (and babysit) on Sunday: that Kuwait has had several gains by foreign and through its foreign relations and was able to move in the port of Mubarak, but the role of Iraq in this area is weak and is useless blaming the government for loss of the rights of Iraqis.

Monday January 2, 2012

Baghdad / babysit – between a member of the National Alliance Furat al-Shara said the statements referring to the collapse of the political process and access to the path is closed and is often pessimistic and Aqaah.

Shara said in a statement (radio, public opinion) today to two: “These statements, which launches on the occupancy and the ministries of the Iraqi List, the Agency is a realistic fact that this is normal because it is an emergency landing in the current circumstances after the suspension of ministers of Iraq for their attendance at the Council of Ministers.”


Baghdad / babysit – The member of the Iraqi Council of Representatives and the decision of Mohammed al-Khalidi that the parliament’s agenda will be full of important bills that will be introduced in the parliament sessions at the resumption of its meetings.

Said Khalidi told the news agency of public opinion (and babysit) on Tuesday: “The Parliament will resume its sessions next week after the end of the holiday the second legislative term and there is a group of important draft laws on its agenda the most important discussion of the issue of withdrawal of occupation forces from Iraq.” Noting that the issue of withdrawal of occupation forces from Iraq occupies the first rank of importance for the political blocs. ” (more…)

A member of the National Alliance for the Liberal bloc Jawad Alshahyla that the security file was suffering from a security leaders stay in place without change and the lack of intelligence effort.

Alshahyla said in a statement to the news agency of public opinion (and babysit) on Monday: “The security file is suffering from deficiency of the survival of the same security leaders since the fall of the former regime so far with little progress.”


Thursday 8 September 2011

A member of the House of Representatives for the National Alliance Fatima Zergawi that the issue of the security ministries to take complicated little by little I do not think it will be resolved in the near future.

Showed Zergawi told news public opinion (and babysit) Alliot Thursday that the Iraqi List, has provided the names of about nine to defend these names has not been resolved this very moment.


Thursday 8 September 2011

A member of staff of the Iraqi List, Arshad said the meeting of leaders of political blocs under the auspices of President Jalal Talabani will be held next week, without specifying a specific day.

Arshad said in a statement to the news agency public opinion (and babysit) on Tuesday: “The meeting of leaders of political blocs under the auspices of President of the Republic will be held next week in order to resolve contentious issues between them.” Adding that he did not specify days specified for this meeting. ”


Tuesday, 16 August 2011

BAGHDAD – A researcher in Iraqi affairs Ihsan Shammari that the formation of an international lobby by Kuwait was the result of the payment by the United States towards the survival of Iraq under Chapter VII table. “

He said Shammari told news public opinion (and babysit) on Tuesday: “America today is still afraid of the nature of political developments in Iraq and the continuing dispute between Iraq and Kuwait, around the port of Mubarak, will keep Iraq under the table of Chapter VII and therefore the possibility of interference in Iraqi affairs by the forces occupation, especially as to whether these forces pulled out the end of the year. “

Stating: “This lobby is the beginning and is now paid to the tension over Kuwait, Iraq’s position rejecting the construction of the port and the directory on that note there is a U.S. silence about this matter.”

Monday, July 18, 2011

BAGHDAD – The House of Representatives member from the Kurdistan Alliance bloc MP Khalil Mahma that all political blocs to expedite the completion of demanding ministerial cab.

Khalil said in a statement to the news agency public opinion (and babysit) “that the time has come to fill the vacancy from the ministries, especially as all the groups had agreed to it.”


Thursday July 14, 2011

BAGHDAD – The decision of the House of Representatives Mohammed Khalidi on Thursday that the House plans to host Prime Minister al-Maliki during the next two weeks to discuss the government program for the next period.

Khalidi said in a statement to the news agency public opinion (and babysit): “The House of Representatives plans to host the Prime Minister during the next two weeks to discuss the government program will be implemented by the government during the coming period and that received by the Council of Representatives.”


BAGHDAD  – sign National Alliance MP for the coalition of state law, Abbas al-Bayati said the resolution is a file security ministries during the next week, noting that the meeting Talabani in which the latter agreed to vote on the names that were introduced in the House of Representatives. ”

Al-Bayati said in a statement singled out by the news agency public opinion (and babysit) on Sunday: “It’s no real desire now to all the blocks out of the current crisis because the continued conflict does not serve the political process.”


Tuesday July 5, 2011

BAGHDAD – babysit – A member of a coalition of state law, Deputy Ali Falh for naming ministers that the issue of security will be made ​​next week, pointing out that in the coming days will hold talks between the Iraqi and state law to resolve the outstanding problems between the parties. ”

Falh said in a statement to news agency public opinion (and babysit) on Tuesday: “The meetings between members of the Iraqi rule of law, did not stop and we are continuing with the aim to reach a shared vision that satisfies all parties.”


Monday July 4, 2011
State law: the dialogues between the political blocs started moving toward a new political realism

BAGHDAD – babysit – A member of a coalition of state law Falh on Monday that the dialogues between the blocks are moving again toward political realism, and expressed the hope to witness the coming days to provide candidates ministries.


Tuesday June 14, 2011

BAGHDAD – The Feed – The member of a coalition of law Khalid al-Asadi said his coalition would welcome any serious initiative that would resolve the existing differences between the political blocs and entrench the concept of national partnership.


Sunday June 5, 2011

BAGHDAD – The Feed – A member of the National Coalition for the state of law Falh agreement of the political blocs to suspend meetings until the full House of Representatives, not the Iraqi requested an adjournment.

He said Falh told news public opinion (and babysit) announced today that “the political blocs agreed to suspend the meetings were taking place, including until the full sessions of the Council of Representatives after the end of the holiday Chapter Sharii,” adding that many of the issues that are discussed based on the views of Council members House of Representatives. ”

Falh added: “The postponement of these meetings may be granted an opportunity to present all the issues before the House of Representatives so they can be even to reach a compromise formula about it”

Falh: all the political blocs agreed to suspend meetings until the full House of Representatives

Monday 16 May 2011

BAGHDAD – The Feed – expect a member of the National Alliance MP Hussein Al-Asadi to vote on candidates for security ministries within the next week, noting that there were many attempts to bridge the gap in views between the political blocs. ”

And al-Asadi told the news agency public opinion (and babysit) said on Monday: “meetings now taking place between members of the clusters for the purpose of reaching a solution satisfactory to all parties regarding the security minister.”

Noting that “the next week will see the meeting as well as an intensive of all the forces involved in the political process in order to reach consensus on candidates for the ministries.”

He stressed the leadership of the coalition of state law on the need to make concessions, blocks and the national interest and give up personal interests for the end of this file.

State law bloc is prepared to vote on security ministry candidates next week

BAGHDAD – The Feed – The National Alliance, Abdul Hadi al-Hassani, the most important laws and legislation are needed to laws affecting the urgent need for citizens and serving the economic dimension and service.

He said al-Hassani told news public opinion (and babysit): “that more than one hundred law since the electoral cycle, the past did not recognize until now, but modify the salary scale and approval of the press law and approval of oil and gas law, and so the laws of all important laws and urgent must be done until he finds a percent on a better time in the reality of services demanded by the Iraqi people. ”


Saturday, 12 March 2011
Hassani: Araji front-runner to fill the inner bag

BAGHDAD – The Feed – revealed Edwalthalv National Abdul Hadi al-Hassani said that there is more than one candidate among the components of the National Coalition for the Interior Ministry, noting that the character of a frontrunner for the post of Interior is the team Farouk al-Araji.


Member of a coalition between the forces of Kurdistan Attorney Samer Fawzi said the differences between the political blocs in the normal and evidence of the existence of democracy in the political process. ”

Fawzi said in a statement to the Agency Anbaba public opinion (and babysit): “The government is where there are no differences between its members in the views directory of the absence of democracy in its origins.”
