Maliki and US Ambassador discuss his upcoming visit to US; Bidens visit to Iraq

Posted: November 7, 2011 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
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Date: Monday, 07/11/2011 12:17

Baghdad (news) .. Search Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and U.S. Ambassador James Jeffrey, a number of issues that concern the two countries and the U.S. withdrawal.

A source in the Prime Minister (of the Agency news) on Monday: Ambassador Jeffrey had congratulations to the owners on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha, and discussed a number of political issues and security, as well as a region in general.

The source added that the two sides discussed the issue of withdrawal are detailed and discussed details of the upcoming visit of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Maliki’s visit to the United States the U.S. in the 12 next month.

The source added: Ambassador Jeffrey reiterated the owners that his country’s troops will withdraw from Iraq in the final end of the year, and U.S. forces continued their withdrawal dramatically every day according to the plan prepared by the U.S. military command.

The source said: that al-Maliki stressed the need to implement the Convention on the frames Alastruthristih between Baghdad and Washington, also touched on the development of the region fast.

This is expected to visit by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden Iraq before the end of this month, and after the visit of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Washington in the 12 next month.

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