Archive for May 3, 2012


“370 missing Kuwaitis in Iraq,” Iraqi and Kuwaiti request of the United Nations for the maintenance of border markers

03-05-2012 11:14 AM

KUWAIT: Kuwait and Iraq have jointly asked the United Nations to start repairing border markers, delayed for years due to Iraqi objections, a senior Kuwaiti official said yesterday. Kuwait’s permanent representative to the UN Mansoor Al-Oteibi told the official KUNA news agency the request was made in a joint letter by him and his Iraqi counterpart, Hamed Al-Bayati, on Tuesday. “We requested a meeting with (Undersecretary General for Political Affairs) B. Lynn Pascoe this week to discuss taking the necessary measures to start the maintenance work on the border markers,” Oteibi said.

The work will be carried out on the basis of Security Council Resolution 833, adopted in 1993, to demarcate the borders, three years after Iraq’s late Saddam Hussein invaded the emirate, he said. Baghdad had objected to the repairs for the past six years because the new border line passes through Iraqi farms near Umm Qasr and Safwan. Kuwait has made the repairs a precondition for improving ties with Iraq.

The move comes just days after successful meetings in Baghdad of the joint commission headed by the countries’ foreign ministers, which concluded with a number of agreements. It also comes after a landmark visit in March by HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah to Baghdad to attend the Arab summit, the first visit by a Kuwaiti leader in 22 years. Kuwait Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Sabah was quoted by media as saying yesterday that the two countries signed a deal to regulate navigation in the Khour Abdullah waterway, where Kuwait is building a mega port that Iraq says will strangle its shipping lines.

Oteibi said talks were ongoing with Iraq on the whereabouts of 370 missing Kuwaitis taken prisoners during the 1990-91 occupation, and to return stolen Kuwaiti property, especially state archives. He said Kuwait is assisting Iraq to secure an exit from under Chapter 7 of the UN Security Council imposed after its invasion of the state. The two countries have not yet resolved other outstanding issues. Iraq is still required to pay $16 billion of war reparation to Kuwait on top of $25 billion already paid. Baghdad currently pays five percent of its oil and gas revenue into a special United Nations fund that pays the compensation. – AFP

Alternate article:

Revealed Kuwait yesterday they made a joint request with Iraq to the United Nations in order to determine the tripartite meeting to discuss the necessary procedures for installing and maintenance of border markers between the two countries, while confirming that it is still awaiting the fate of 370 missing in Iraq and the state archives, praised the efforts of Iraq in this area. (more…)

BAGHDAD (Iba) .. Is expected to hold both Iraq and Kuwait with the participation of United Nations meeting in the days ahead to start the execution of the maintenance of border markers between the two countries, at the time announced Kuwait’s Ambassador to Baghdad to the insured that the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah will visit the Iraqi capital before the end of the year. (more…)

The latest daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on the 3-MAY-2012. The results were as follows:

Number of banks 15
Auction price selling dinar / US$ 1166
Auction price buying dinar / US$ —–
Amount sold at auction price (US$) 166,528,000
Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) —–
Total offers for buying (US$) 166,528,000
Total offers for selling (US$) —–

Exchange rates

Inflation is the most dangerous enemy of well-being and disease can strike national economies. In addition to that pension exacerbate the suffering of the broad sectors of the population, and changes the shape of class structure and social effects of the disposal and recovery will not be easy, especially if the symptoms became more serious inflation.

Economists is that inflation is dangerous if it exceeds the favorites, or if it becomes ten percent or above. History records the contemporary economic models for countries inflation rates exceeded these levels reached dangerous limits to become the local currency carrying bags for the payment of prices is simple. (more…)


BAGHDAD / JD / .. A member of the Finance Committee and the parliamentary deputy from the Kurdistan Alliance Najeeba answer to postpone the meeting with the Central Bank to next Sunday for the non-existence of the Governor of the Bank.

Said Najib’s / JD / “The meeting, which was scheduled for last week was postponed to / from the second of May / also for next Sunday.” Najib said, “The Finance Committee decided to host the Bank’s representatives to talk with them in detail about the fluctuation in the rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar.” (more…)


BAGHDAD / JD / .. see the Central Bank of Iraq has been the victim surrounded by Iran and Syria and the bankruptcy of Turkey and the UAE.

The deputy governor of Central Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed Saleh / a JD /: that Iraq is in its financial crisis last victim trapped Iran, Syria, and the bankruptcy of Turkey and the UAE, adding that the transfer system C, which imported under which Iraq on credit pay a lot of traders to drain huge amounts of money from the dollar under the pretext import construction materials and food and industrial origins of the regional countries in excess of local need tens of multiples. (more…)


BAGHDAD / JD / .. revealed the parliamentary finance committee on Gulf initiative to bring down the debt owed by Iraq to Saudi Arabia.

A member of the Committee MP for the coalition of state law Haitham Jubouri’s / JD / that “Saudi Arabia continues to insist on its debt position on Iraq will not give them that were not there a reconciliation between the two countries.” (more…)

Date: Thursday, 03-05-2012 10: 39 am

Baghdad (newsletter) … Member of the Finance Committee/National Alliance Deputy/Secretary Hadi Abbas, to the need for the speedy establishment of a free economic zone for ongoing exchanges on the Iraqi border, to strengthen the Iraqi economy and diversification of financial revenue for the State.

He said Abbas (News Agency news) on Thursday: that most Middle East countries such as Turkey and Iran and the UAE have recovered economically from its inception more than a free economic zone, are trade and benefit from transit cargo across, without taxes or customs. (more…)


BAGHDAD / JD / .. student banking expert Aqil al-Rubaie tempted the government to support the private banking sector and to take measures that allow him to invest and contribute to the process of development and construction. (more…)

03/05/2012 09:09

Baghdad, April 3 (Rn) – Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the Iraqi List, to attend the National Congress, who called him President Jalal Talabani pledged to meet all their demands, provided compatibility of the Constitution.

Maliki’s call for the Iraqi list a day after the delivery of President Jalal Talabani, the agenda of the forthcoming National Congress of the Preparatory Committee. (more…)