America: funds for the reconstruction of Iraq went into the pockets of rebels, with the participation of local authorities and tribal leaders

Posted: May 4, 2012 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
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WEDNESDAY, 02 MAY / MAY 2012 11:29

report of the Organization of American control, some U.S. officers believe that the money allocated by Congress for relief and reconstruction in Iraq, may have ended up in the pockets of the “rebel groups”.

It included a survey conducted by the Office of Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, officers and officials associated with the leaders of the program of rapid response to requests, a fund used by U.S. military officers, in order to support reconstruction projects in their areas of responsibility in Iraq.

According to the report, seen by ” Twilight News “, the” some leaders pointed out that the insurgent groups in Iraq benefited from the remittances of the amounts allocated to support rapid response projects. ”

The report quoted a U.S. commander as saying that “some of the funds were found during raids on hideouts of the rebels, with the confessions of some of the contractors that they paid sums of money in return for providing protection to them.”

In turn, said another officer that “there is compelling evidence that the local authorities, the stolen funds for some projects, in addition to that, the conservatives were providing funds for these projects to the rebels not to attack the projects funded by the program itself.”

And Congress has appropriated nearly four billion dollars for this program, which called for the rapid response program requests since 2004, which works to fund development programs for local residents.

And reached a peak number of U.S. troops in Iraq, 170 thousand troops after several years of war led by the United States in 2003, but the vast majority withdrew last year, according to a security agreement between the two countries, leaving only 150 soldiers belonging to the U.S. Embassy for the purpose of training Iraqi forces.

And saw a military commander that “corruption is a key feature of Iraqi society and politics, and fought in the Iraqi regime is a task insurmountable, and they are generally understood and the issue seems acceptable common practice.”

He said, “When you pay 40 thousand dollars for the company to drill a well, the proportion of 10 percent goes to the President of the company, and 10 percent go to a local tribal leader.”
“We call this corruption, but this is the cost of getting things done.”

He said the military commander to say, “I have never seen an employee skims the U.S., but in the Iraqi culture there were many of the costs delusional.”

In this context, another officer said, “I think that the contractors who were employed on specific projects, they were required to pay to Iraqi officials, and the incidents when you get these contractors refuse to pay for officials, such as threats and attacks.”

He added that in addition to that, some Iraqi officials, politicians and the military, tried to force us to use certain contractors, and the assumption that these contractors, they pay bribes to Iraqi officials in return. ”

In terms of parallel says committee member investigative funds the Development Fund for Iraq problem by the House cult in a statement reported for ” Twilight News “,” The Inspector General, the U.S. charged with investigating money that the Development Fund for Iraq between there are $ 8.8 billion has been spent without documents exchange or documents showing the disbursement, although it is denoted by Kmbalg disbursed at the time of Bremer. ”

“There is a $ 7 billion spent documents contain problematic and violations on the matches, and other amounts worth up to $ 25 billion into the Development Fund and spent on projects of security and other military equipment.”

The U.S. Inspector General Stuart Bowen submitted to the U.S. Congress in 2009, a report on corruption and was accompanied by a large reconstruction projects in Iraq and spent large sums of money by the Iraqi and American.

And the transfer of Waeli for U.S. Inspector General Stuart Bowen said that “There are 60 U.S. figure is investigated on the money and the second report will include their names, either names will be submitted to the Iraqi government of Iraq.”

He said the “place of checking the total amount of $ 61 billion, and that the Inspector-General will present two reports, the first in the month of July of this year and the second in January of next year 2013.”

Baghdad has seen the beginning of this week a new round of talks, the Iraqi-American for research into the fate of tens of billions that described as “money lost” during the rule of Iraq by the Coalition Provisional Authority headed by Paul Bremer (2003-2004).

The Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways with the Inspector, U.S. special investigations Iraqi funds and U.S. disbursed under the section “reconstruction of Iraq,” Stuart Bowen, a number of aspects of the investigations and promised Washington it be held after the disclosure of “ambiguity” about the fate of around forty billion dollars of “fund the reconstruction of Iraq. ”

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