Posts Tagged ‘Investment in post-invasion Iraq’

07-03-2013 09:00 AM

The United States has spent more than $ 60 billion for the reconstruction of Iraq after the US-led invasion of the country in March 2003, but the results were below these amounts much as mentioned in a congressional report released yesterday.

The Inspector General noted specialist in the reconstruction of Iraq in its final report that the various budgets allocated for the advancement of the security forces and the restoration of electricity and water distribution ‘was much less useful than the Desired’. (more…)

01-02-2013 10:00 AM

As confirmed by the Integrity Committee in the Iraqi Council of Representatives ‘parliament’ high Nassif that were stolen $ 20 billion in the era of the civil governor in Iraq, Paul Bremer, revealed by the Washington Post, that the investigations on the American project for the reconstruction of Iraq has reached so far to accuse 81 people including 47 military and recover more than $ 189 million, in addition to the indictment of 22 people and the restoration of about $ 67 million, in the case of ‘George – Gloria’ that took place between the contractor is still a fugitive and military officer committed suicide after pleading embezzlement. (more…)


BAGHDAD / JD / .. Pat Iraq the focus of attention of real estate investors from the Middle East as it seeks to create about three million housing units over the next five years and the reconstruction of the country and infrastructure.

According to the Minister of Housing and Reconstruction of Iraq in a statement published by Al Bayan UAE, the government has allocated 120 billion from its budget in 2013 for this purpose, rising to $ 200 billion by the year 2015, which highlights the size of the effort required for the advancement of infrastructure and promotion of investment opportunities. (more…)

WEDNESDAY, 02 MAY / MAY 2012 11:29

report of the Organization of American control, some U.S. officers believe that the money allocated by Congress for relief and reconstruction in Iraq, may have ended up in the pockets of the “rebel groups”.

It included a survey conducted by the Office of Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, officers and officials associated with the leaders of the program of rapid response to requests, a fund used by U.S. military officers, in order to support reconstruction projects in their areas of responsibility in Iraq. (more…)

WEDNESDAY, 02 MAY / MAY 2012 08:59

investigative committee revealed in the Development Fund for Iraq funds formed by the House of Representatives, Wednesday, for the amount of $ 8.8 billion exchange of documents without, indicating that the total amount that is being investigated on it with a $ 61 billion. (more…)