Posts Tagged ‘Inspector General’

Zubaidi discusses with U.S. Inspector General last political and financial developments in Iraq
Search the head of the parliamentary citizen Bayan Jabr with the U.S. Inspector General last political and financial developments in Iraq. (more…)

07-03-2013 09:00 AM

The United States has spent more than $ 60 billion for the reconstruction of Iraq after the US-led invasion of the country in March 2003, but the results were below these amounts much as mentioned in a congressional report released yesterday.

The Inspector General noted specialist in the reconstruction of Iraq in its final report that the various budgets allocated for the advancement of the security forces and the restoration of electricity and water distribution ‘was much less useful than the Desired’. (more…)

Revealed the U.S. Inspector General Stuart Bowen in the last quarterly report, which was published on Wednesday, that this year in Iraq is full of difficulties of manifestations of the prevalence of violence and official corruption, progressively.

The report criticized the Maliki government, describing it as “corrupt”, saying that corruption is worse than ever, implicitly accusing the current Prime Minister “Nuri al-Maliki” contradiction when he stated recently that corruption remains a problem, although it said before for that rampant corruption is widely “is exaggerated,” a word also issued by the Head of the Supreme Judicial Council, according to the report. (more…)

Sunday, September 16 / September 2012 17:20

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki with U.S. special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction process of reconstruction and the size of fiscal spending after 2003. (more…)


BAGHDAD / JD / .. revealed the Foreign Relations Committee that the parliament will be discussed during the next few days the U.S. report on funds Iraqi lost during the period of the civil governor Paul Bremer.

said committee member and MP for the Rafidain list and a member of the Assyrian Democratic Movement Imad Youkhana’s / JD /: The “Parliament will discuss this week the U.S. report on Iraqi funds lost in the rule of Bremer, who reveals the involvement of Iraqi politicians and U.S. known with corruption.” (more…)


BAGHDAD / JD / .. unable to investigations and inquiries for knowing the unknown that spent the Iraqi funds during the rule of the civil governor in Iraq Paul Bremer .. As far as the statements of politicians.

noteworthy that the Iraqi government had directed the Committee to Protect Iraqi funds abroad, follow-up file billions lost During the time of the civil governor Paul Bremer and detection fate of these funds as soon as. (more…)

16-07-2012 09:40 AM
Are free – Established Office of the Inspector General at the Ministry of Planning seminar on the role of money laundering in the financial and administrative corruption mechanisms and treatment. (more…)

Sunday, July 15, 2012 12:46

Baghdad {: News} Euphrates stressed the Inspector General at the Ministry of Planning Raed Mohammed Kazem need to combat the phenomenon of money laundering and that the implications of the economically, socially and politically, the deductions from the national income and bleeding of the national economy for the benefit of overseas economies. (more…)

Originally Posted 5/5/2012

SIGIR Mission Statement
Regarding U.S. relief and reconstruction plans, programs, and operations in Iraq,
the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction provides independent and objective:
· oversight and review through comprehensive audits, inspections, and investigations
· advice and recommendations on policies to promote economy, effi ciency, and effectiveness
· prevention, detection, and deterrence of fraud, waste, and abuse
· information and analysis to the Congress, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense,
and the American people (more…)

Baghdad, May 4 / May (Rn) – The Iraqi investigative committee to continue the joint verification of funds spent during the civil administrator Paul Bremer and the successive governments without the existence of the exchange are shown they are looking for money exchange without the consent of the House of Representatives during the past years. (more…)

WEDNESDAY, 02 MAY / MAY 2012 11:29

report of the Organization of American control, some U.S. officers believe that the money allocated by Congress for relief and reconstruction in Iraq, may have ended up in the pockets of the “rebel groups”.

It included a survey conducted by the Office of Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, officers and officials associated with the leaders of the program of rapid response to requests, a fund used by U.S. military officers, in order to support reconstruction projects in their areas of responsibility in Iraq. (more…)

WEDNESDAY, 02 MAY / MAY 2012 08:59

investigative committee revealed in the Development Fund for Iraq funds formed by the House of Representatives, Wednesday, for the amount of $ 8.8 billion exchange of documents without, indicating that the total amount that is being investigated on it with a $ 61 billion. (more…)

The future of Iraq reveal that the Pentagon «stolen» Iraq’s money .. Billions of dollars utilized by the U.S. Army as a «loose» .. Highlight the investigation and hide files and data staff!!

“Weak control procedures and management,” the Defense Department, was the reason behind the ambiguity of exchange and the disappearance of about 8.7 billion dollars from the Development Fund for Iraq, so the report concluded the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, no reason really to ask that the Ministry of ancient works of more than 3 thousand staff at Headquarters hexagon shape, which symbolizes one of the pillars of American values ​​big, where there is no censorship!! (more…)

The Central Bank of Iraq is still lagging behind in its financial management despite the passage of eight years of political transition in the country.

The adviser said the appearance of the central bank in favor of the “financial management system in Iraq suffers from the legacy of a great need of major reform to remove the legacy of an open economy he inherited Iraq because of the policies of the former regime.”

He added that the “targeting of the Ministry of Finance by the terrorist groups several times contributed to delays in Iraq’s development of the infrastructure of financial management.” (more…)

Iraqi justice minister, a formal letter to the Chairman of the Committee to Protect Iraq’s assets Rose Nuri Shaways asking to approach the U.S. side to restore what is left, which was monitored by the Inspector General of the amounts subject to the restoration and of (5.27) million dollars. He had been of them (1.13) million dollars in March 2009.

A statement issued by the Office of the Iraqi Justice Minister Hassan al-Shammari, about his meeting with the Inspector General Stuart Bowen, received the “Twilight News” a copy of which had been discussed in the “re-payments development fund,” noting that the two sides discussed the reports issued by Bowen since May 2003, and included in the audit mechanism to spend the amount of (7.20) billion dollars, on the aspects identified by the UN resolutions under the Coalition Provisional Authority led by Paul Bremer and spent during the period of (14) months approximately (4.14) billion dollars. ”


Detection Chairman of the Integrity Commission and the parliamentary bloc of Liberal MP Bahaa al-Araji, Monday evening, the Occupation government admitted stealing $ 21 billion by the Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, He stressed that this was an exceptional effort from the committee when I addressed the United Nations about it.

A statement issued by the Office of the Attorney Bahaa al-Araji received “Alsumaria News”, a copy of it, accusing the United States of America of “stealing $ 21 billion dollars,” returning to Iraq, and that “the issue will be put on the agenda of the House of Representatives next week for discussion and return the money to the Iraqis, “indicating that Iraq was discovered by” American inspector for Iraq reconstruction, and after the intervention of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee and address the United Nations. “ (more…)

01/11/2011 15:53

In June 2011, the Special Inspector General for Iraq reconstruction released a quarterly report that noted $6.6 billion in rebuilding funds went missing in 2004. The media exaggerated the story, saying that corrupt officials might have stolen the money. That led the Iraqi government to threaten to sue the United States to recover any misappropriated funds. The Inspector General however, always said that it was probably a case of bad record keeping, which was endemic at the time. Now it has conducted an audit that found that most of the money ended up in the Central Bank of Iraq, under Baghdad’s control.


A government official confirmed that the economic prosperity or failure depends not only on the abundance of sources of wealth or lack of progress or failure of production or perception but need to draw the actual methods of earning and spending ways.

The Inspector General of the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works Yilmaz carpenter during its review (to economic morning) as contained in its annual report to the office during the year 2010 as the perception on the basis of legitimate earnings and expenditure of the project, flourished economic life and common prosperity, with the exception that the crises prevail and rampant corruption.


Finance minister, Rafi Al Esawi, discussed with, Military Commander of Anbar province, Luke Oil company delegation, and Inspector General of Iraq’s Reconstruction, separately, the economic situation in Iraq.

A statement from the ministry mentioned “Esawi received Military Commander of Anbar and discussed different topics related to the province. Means of bringing investments to the province to upgrade its economic status as well as the security and services sectors and means of improving them were reviewed as well.”
