Posts Tagged ‘Kirkuk’

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, said Iraqis of all religions, sects and nationalities are equal before the law, calling on the clergy to take the leading role in strengthening national unity among all the sons of the Iraqi people.

Maliki said in a statement issued on the sidelines of a meeting with the President of the Chaldean Church, Patriarch Louis Raphael first Sacco, and seen “Alsumaria News”, he said “the face of terrorism must be carried out by spreading awareness and education; because ignorance is the incubator fertile ideas extremist and takfir and other deviant ideas” , noting that “Iraqis of all religions, sects and nationalities are equal before the law.” (more…)

Maliki restore ‘security control’ the Peshmerga in the ‘disputed’ in exchange for supporting the Kurds ‘third term’

Said a source familiar with the “world”, yesterday, that the resolutions Federal Supreme Court, relating to veto the law, “the mandate of the three presidencies” and “Article 23 of the electoral law” special province of Kirkuk, which were issued in the timing of one yesterday, linked to the political agreement new between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani. (more…)

Planning confirms its readiness to conduct the census in 2014 and proposes a solution to the disputed
SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 2013 10:51

Confirmed by the Ministry of Planning, Saturday, readiness to conduct the general census of the population in 2014, مشترطة find a solution to the disputed areas between Baghdad and Erbil before starting this census.

And cited the Iraqi Constitution, ratified in 2005, Article 140, which provides for the normalization of the situation in the disputed areas in Kirkuk and other provinces, such as Nineveh and Diyala. (more…)

Pulled out of the political crisis and the worsening security collapse because of the bombings, killings and kidnappings, the economic situation in the country, said real estate brokers and owners shows a sale the most prominent is the recession that hit the country in years.

Underscoring the many regions of the population of the Karkh district of Baghdad, declining prices of their properties because of the strict measures taken by security forces for weeks, experts talk about the decline of trading indicators in the various sectors of the economy and investment because of the wave of violence that recorded their highest levels in years. (more…)

Screen Shot 2013-05-16 at 1.38.35 PMBiden on the road to project implementation!!.

16-05-2013 06:21 PM

Committed the security agreement partners the political process signatories to the implementation of the final phase of occupation program, a federal application stage.

The fact that the position of the occupation was not clear in any case such as the visibility of the issue of federalism he declares at night and during the day he wants to sees a federally Iraq, and the leaders of the fundamental process required all know them completely, and they are the keepers of strictly implemented. In order rushes Iraq to the final phase of the planned decree also wants the U.S. occupation has كلت Obama administration Iraq dossier to Biden Republican Almtzin that has already been presented to Bush and Congress project to divide Iraq, and here he is today oversees the implementation itself has started its activities in practice heats the political situation in preparation for the division was distribution of roles on the partners of the political process as follows: (more…)

Date posted 03/05/2013 06:12 PM

The Finance Committee member suggested Deputy National Secretary of the Alliance, General Customs authority procedures on imported goods within provinces and cities to prevent delay entry of goods and their accumulation in border ports.

Hadi said in a press statement: “the Customs General Authority procedures not applicable at all border crossing points, particularly in Kurdistan, this is unfair to some importers subject to procedures and delayed entry of goods and other northern ports passed without complications”. (more…)

WEDNESDAY, 01 MAY / MAY 2013 14:41

A source familiar with the Council of Ministers of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Wednesday, that the President of the Council Naچervan Barzani signed the text of the Convention that took place in Baghdad after arriving signed by the head of the federal government Nuri al-Maliki, adding that Barzani will announce details of the agreement at a conference journalists evening in Arbil. (more…)

28-04-2013 07:36 AM

Baghdad (newsletter). Warned Economist Abdul Sattar Al-Hashemi, of wheel stops the economy as a result of the continuing political problems and popular demonstrations of some provinces, because they were great economic losses to the country.

He said al-Hashimi (News Agency): that political differences among the parliamentary blocs and sit-ins for some provinces directly affected the economy and the advent of global investment firms. (more…)

Screen Shot 2013-04-15 at 11.01.08 AM15.4.2013

United Nations demanded the ratification of the Law of resources natural resources and oil and gas law in Iraq, while confirmed the need to solve the problem of Kirkuk, according to the Constitution.

explained Assistant Chairman of the Department of External Relations of the Council of Ministers Regional Government of Kurdistan Dindar Zebari told reporters, said the United Nations recognized formally problems between Kurdistan and Baghdad, and demanded by suitable, stressing that the UN demands consistent with the policy of the Kurdish leadership in the region.


Screen Shot 2013-03-02 at 9.12.15 AMMember of Taghyeer Movement says it is probable the Barazani succeeds Talabani as President
01/03/2013 22:04:00
Erbil (NINA) – Member of Kurdish Taghyeer (Change) Movement, Nariman Abdullah, said that it is more probable that President of Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barazani, will succeed President Jalal Talabani as President of Iraq.

In a statement to the press on Friday, Mar. 1, Abdullah said that the post of Iraq’s President is for the Kurds, they have the right to nominate their own. (more…)

English: Orthographic illustration of an oil/p...

The newspaper “The Washington Times” The increase in US oil production in Iraq could determine the future of world oil prices in the coming years, especially after the Iraq increased the size of its production last year to reach in December to 3.4 million barrels per day .

The paper said the US that Iraq may be the only country in the world which still contains large amounts of crude oil, which does not require expensive equipment to extract as it close to the occupation of the first rank as the largest oil exporter in the world . (more…)

23/01/2013 11:13:00

BAGHDAD / NINA / The MP, of the Kurdistan Alliance, Mahmoud Othman said that “The UN mission in Iraq will play a role of mediator between the central government and the provincial government on the one hand and between the demonstrators and the central government on the other.” (more…)

Author: FQ Editor: CC Tuesday 22 K 2 2013 10:48 GMT
Alsumaria News / Anbar delegation arrived from the United Nations, on Tuesday afternoon, to the city of Ramadi to discuss the demands of the demonstrators and the current crisis with a number of local officials.

said board member Anbar province Mezher Hassan Al Mulla said in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “high-level delegation headed by representative Secretary-General of the United Nations Amer Ali arrived in the city of Ramadi, and began holding a series of meetings closed with the governor Qassim Fahdawi and Speaker Jassem al-Halbusi. ” (more…)

PUKmedia – 15/12/2012 –
The head editor of the long Fakhri Karim, that the statement in his article in an editorial term on Wednesday, which included revealed “the real situation” to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Kirkuk and Mosul, “Sticky and documented,” noting he did not disclose all the facts so far. (more…)

12/12/2012 11:46

Criticized by the United Nations, on Wednesday, Iraq’s delay in adoption of the law of oil and gas, while political parties demanded to pass this law as soon as possible, renewed its call for elections in the disputed areas.

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Martin Kobler, in a speech at the forum of Iraq’s oil in Baghdad, which was attended by (long-Presse), on Wednesday, “I call on politicians and Iraqi specialists to pass a law of oil and gas as soon as possible,” returned “the survival of this important law varies in its place is not good.” (more…)

Azad Mohammed – Radio Free Iraq newspaper هوال weekly wrote that the Iraqi government has promised to build the locality housing for Volunteers band 12 for the Iraqi army in Kirkuk claiming housed near the band and enable them to move their families to the camp from the rest of Iraq’s provinces South and Central America, the newspaper said that the government seeks through it to increase the number who wish to volunteer among this band to 3000 people two thousand of them from outside Kirkuk. (more…)

16/10/2012 – 11:53

The president of the United Nations Mission in Iraq Martin Kobler, Tuesday, that the United Nations offers advice Iraqis do not solve their problems, while stressing that it stands at the same distance from all Iraqis, he noted that all the components of Kirkuk want to hold local elections. (more…)

Thursday, October 04, 1 / Okrudolf 2012 15:40

Discuss House Speaker Osama Najafi and the UN representative, Martin Kobler Kirkuk governorate elections, human rights and women.

A statement by the Office of Najafi received and all of Iraq [where] a copy of it today that “the two sides discussed several themes including the elections and the possibility of cooperation with the Independent Electoral Commission to complete and other relevant laws such as the law elections Kirkuk and the importance of approving oil and gas law and sharing Iirorh and fair distribution, in addition to relations Iraq and Kuwait and the possibility of withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII. ” (more…)

Date: 2012-10-04 14: 40: 26 Thursday

Baghdad (newsletter) … Search House speaker Osama Iraq with United Nations representative in Iraq, Martin Kobler, upcoming elections and possible cooperation with the independent Commission. (more…)

Prime Iraqi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO) that “oil exports rose to 2.565 million barrels per day on average, during August, compared with 2.516 million barrels a day last July.

Said Chief Sumo Falah al-Amiri said that “exports from Basra in the south reached 2.252 million barrels per day, while North recorded shipments of Kirkuk, 313 thousand barrels per day, including about six thousand barrels a day trucked to Jordan


Posted 08/08/2012 05:24 PM

MP from the list, the Iraqi Turkmen Auzmn good that the currency will include the new Iraqi Turkmen teachers.

He said in a press statement that “during the meeting which was held last week with the Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi on the issue of deletion of zeros and shape of the new currency has been several models for the new currency and the parameters of the ziggurat and the waterfall completely to Beck.” (more…)

Baghdad, August 2 (Rn) – The nickname of the Iraqi Central to add code Turkmen on one of Banknotes of new to be released next year.

came during a meeting held between the Finance Committee representative and officials of the Central Bank on the removal of three zeros from the Iraqi currency and the issuance of currency, a new Iraqi during next year, according to the announcement by the Finance Committee representative. (more…)

Ban Ki-moon: solving the problem of the disputed areas fundamental reason for the stability of Iraq

New York: News Network Iraq – The United Nations warned of the negative impact of the political crisis existing in Iraq to solve the problem of the disputed areas confirmed the need to hold elections in the province of Kirkuk, (more…)

Saturday, July 7, 2012 14:51

Search former Vice-President Adel Abdul Mahdi, with the Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi economic developments taking place in the country and the measures the central bank to raise the value of Iraqi dinar.

A statement by the office of Abdul Mahdi, the Agency has received all of Iraq [where] a copy of it today that “Abdul-Mahdi was received in his office in Baghdad a number of officials in the state of each individual, where he met central bank governor said during the meeting the importance of strengthening the Iraqi currency and maintain the independence of the monetary policy of the Bank Central.” (more…)

05/22/2012 0:00

revealed a poll conducted by the National Democratic Institute of the American International Affairs, the popularity of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on the rise, while declining popular rival, the Iraqi leader Iyad Allawi. (more…)

On: Tuesday 08/05/2012 15:07

Kirkuk (news) .. He said government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh, said that the Council of Ministers which was held in Kirkuk today decided to set up a committee on Article (140) to resolve outstanding problems. (more…)

Baghdad / My Day

The United States condemned strongly yesterday, attacks in Iraq, yesterday, Tuesday, and led to the death of at least 45 people and wounding dozens.

Said Jay Carney, White House spokesman: “We strongly condemn attacks on innocent civilians in Iraq,” adding that the level of violence at the lowest levels and that the Iraqi forces capable of maintaining public security. (more…)

20/03/2012 13:12

Strongly condemned the United Nations, Tuesday, a series of bombings that struck Baghdad and a number of other provinces.

And saw the governorates of Baghdad, Salahuddin and Nineveh, Anbar, Babil, Karbala, Kirkuk and Mosul car bombings today mined simultaneously, improvised explosive devices have killed and wounded dozens, most of them civilians.

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, Martin received a press release Koppelrfa And the Kurdish news agency (Rn) a copy of it today “We condemn in the strongest terms the barbaric attacks that took place today in a number of cities across Iraq that have killed scores of Iraqis and wounded many others injured . ” (more…)

Baghdad, March 11 / March (Rn) – The Iraqi government said Sunday it began to look on the counterfeit currency and last month they seized 55 million dinars false.

Jumaily said Fahd member of the government to follow up the currency and reduce the phenomenon of counterfeiting, told the Kurdish news agency (Akanus) that “a specialized committee of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to coordinate with the Ministry of Finance, Interior, and the central bank to adjust the counterfeit currency.” (more…)

22/02/2012 17:16

Kirkuk, February 22 (Rn) – returned the controversy between the components of the province of Kirkuk from the Kurds, Arabs and Turkmen on Article 140 of the disputed areas between the federal government in Baghdad and Erbil, near the regional with a conference of reconciliation among Iraqi political blocs.

And rejects the political council of the Arab in Kirkuk, the inclusion of Article 140 of the permanent constitution on the agenda of the Conference, the Kurds, while emphasizing the need to insert the file at the conference, which will include the political forces in Baghdad, while leaving the Turkmen political issue to agree. (more…)