Posts Tagged ‘Kurdish people’

Editor: AF, RS 12/02/2013 6:54 p.m.
Showed Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Rose Nuri Shaways, on Monday, optimism about the future of Iraq in the field of natural resources, and among that Iraq is among the largest energy producing countries in the world with imports up to 93% of the annual budget, called for negotiations between the province Kurdistan and the center and the rest of the provinces in the field of oil and speed up the enactment of laws related to this area. (more…)

12/02/2013 12:18
Parliamentary Finance outweigh the adoption of the budget at the beginning of next year

Tipped the parliamentary Finance Committee approval of the budget at the beginning of next year, while confirming the continuing disagreement about some of the points between the Kurds and the federal government, which led to the delay. (more…)


Turkish government announced on Thursday it was in talks with the Iraqi government on the proposal provides for opening an account for the Kurdistan Region’s oil revenues, while hinted that talks are continuing to put the proposal into effect.

alt Kurd leader revealed on Tuesday the first U.S. proposal for a Turkish province’s oil revenue-sharing between the Kurdistan region and the central government in Baghdad, as It is hoped that the Kurdistan Region begins pumping oil to world markets via Turkey through a new pipeline. (more…)

Published on Friday, October 15 2 / November 2013 13:19

Attributed Finance Committee Alnielyh, Friday, reasons for delay in the federal budget, discussions with representatives of the Kurdistan Alliance and the federal government about the points of contention between Baghdad and Erbil, especially those related to entitlements oil companies operating in the Kurdistan region, and the possibility of merging Peshmerga Ministry of Defence. (more…)

U.S. newspaper: Kurds seeking independence with the help of Turkey and Baghdad and Washington Mtchwican the national conflict
Sunday, November 10 2 / November 2013 13:23

The newspaper said Washington Post of America said that “the Kurdistan region is looking forward to realizing the dream of the long-awaited independence with the help of Turkey, at a time when the rest of Iraq a wave of violence and bombings.” (more…)

Planning informed the parliament of Iraq’s population is now 35 million
Wednesday, October 30 1 / Okrudolf 2013 20:13

A parliamentary source said that the Ministry of Planning reported that the number of House of Representatives of Iraq’s population is now 35 million people.

The council has asked the Ministry of Planning statistics on the number of population in order to determine in the new draft law for elections, the number of MPs in the next session. (more…)

Deputy: the application of the project to delete the three zeroes from the currency of no value benefit of the Iraqi dinar

03-09-2013 05:01 AM
Baghdad (news) .. Ruled out the vice president of the Finance Committee MP / coalition of Kurdish blocs / Ahmed Faizullah, improve the value of the Iraqi dinar when applying the project to delete the three zeroes from the national currency. (more…)

Maliki restore ‘security control’ the Peshmerga in the ‘disputed’ in exchange for supporting the Kurds ‘third term’

Said a source familiar with the “world”, yesterday, that the resolutions Federal Supreme Court, relating to veto the law, “the mandate of the three presidencies” and “Article 23 of the electoral law” special province of Kirkuk, which were issued in the timing of one yesterday, linked to the political agreement new between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani. (more…)

Commission on oil and energy parliamentary: calling for the Presidency of the Council of Ministers decisively oil and gas law in its Arbil

Asked a member of the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary bloc virtue Susan Saad presidency of the Council of Ministers that the draft law of oil and gas within its agenda for discussion at its next meeting in Arbil. ”

Saad said in a statement to the media office on Saturday, “The oil and gas law is one of the most important laws needed by the country, as well as being one of the most important points of contention between the Governments of the center and the Kurdistan region, which requires to be settled at the next ministerial meeting.” (more…)

Baghdad-Erbil previous agreement not implemented so far, says Kurdish MP
Saturday, 08 June 2013 14:18 | | |

Baghdad (AIN) -MP Qasim Mohamed of the Kurdistani Alliance described the planned visit of the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki to Erbil as important for implementing the previous agreement between the central government and Kurdistan Regional government. (more…)

Thursday, 06/06/2013

Called for the oil and gas committee in the Iraqi parliament Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani and the political parties Kurdish to invest the visit of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to the region next week to discuss the outstanding issues between the governments of Arbil and Baghdad, as pointed out the need to reach Barzani and Maliki to a suitable formula for the draft law of oil and gas for the purpose of approval of the Iraqi Council of Representatives. (more…)

03-06-2013 03:49 PM

Erbil (newsletter). The Chairman of the Parliament of Kurdistan Arslan Baez with United States Consul General in Erbil, Paul Stephen, latest developments in Kurdistan and Iraq in particular and the region in General.

Statement of the Presidency of the Parliament of the canton of Baez, saying that mechanisms for writing a draft Constitution of the territory the special commissions from outside Parliament, which took 4 years and received about 5,000 comment and proposal in regards to the substance of the Constitution were considered and approved by a number of political parties and Parliament as voters received by 96 parliamentarians out of a total of 97, and submitted to the Presidency of the territory in a referendum. (more…)

Screen Shot 2013-05-16 at 1.41.50 PM05/16/2013 06:50
Confirmed Ford and Lincoln that the Iraqi market has achieved higher growth rate in sales of Ford during the first quarter of this year by nearly 200 percent with the high demand for cars Taurus, Edge and Explorer and Expedition. Said Larry Bryan, Executive Director, Ford Middle East,

said: “There is no doubt that the sales for this year has seen the start of an extraordinary and powerful; The results we have achieved so far point to the success of the strategy Ford in Iraq and the countries of the region, which leads us to expand our business in these areas and one One Ford in achieving our goals., and we will continue to focus on business development in cooperation with our dealers, and strive to create models of high-quality sought by customers quotation Ford, Lincoln, includes creations and unique technologies add to the value (more…)

Sunday, 12 May 2013 22:40 | | |

Erbil (AIN) -A delegation from the Iraqi central government headed by Falih al-Fayadh, Advisor of the National Security with membership of each of Tariq Najim, official of Premier’s office and, Maj. Gen. Babaqir Zibari, head of the Army Staff, visited Erbil on Sunday.

A statement by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, PUK, reported “The delegation was welcomed by Kosert Rasoul, Kurdistan Region’s Vice President, Najervan Barzani, KR Prime Minister, and Barham Salih, Second Deputy of PUK’s Secretary General, along with other Kurdish officials.” (more…)

07/05/2013 12:27:00
Arbil / NINA / The head of the Office of Kurdistan region Presidency, Fouad Hussein confirmed that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki planned to visit Arbil soon to meet the region’s president, Massoud Barzani. (more…)

Finance Committee Member: the process of switching the currency when you delete the three zeroes which do not need to legislate law
03-05-2013 07:26 AM

Baghdad (news) .. Said a member of the Finance Committee MP / coalition of Kurdish blocs / Najiba Najib, that the process of switching the national currency when you delete the three zeroes which does not need to enact the law by the House of Representatives, but the instructions issued by the central bank. (more…)

WEDNESDAY, 01 MAY / MAY 2013 14:41

A source familiar with the Council of Ministers of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Wednesday, that the President of the Council Naچervan Barzani signed the text of the Convention that took place in Baghdad after arriving signed by the head of the federal government Nuri al-Maliki, adding that Barzani will announce details of the agreement at a conference journalists evening in Arbil. (more…)

Maliki and Barzani during an earlier meeting in Baghdad

Editor: NK 04.28.2013 14:59

Revealed the United Nations in Iraq, on Sunday, that the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani will visit Baghdad tomorrow for a meeting with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to resolve the issues, and while He welcomed at the meeting stressed the need to hasten the parties to reach a definitive solutions to the problems outstanding, including help resolve the current crisis experienced by Iraq, warning that Iraq is at a crossroads. (more…)

2013-04-12 15:48:10

The head of the Legal Committee of the Parliament of Iraq that efforts continue to resolve the existing problems between Baghdad and Erbil in the light of meetings two days that took place between the delegation Kurdish and Iraqi Prime Minister and heads a list of the National Alliance in Baghdad.

in a statement to Kordsat said Khalid Shwani President Legal Committee of the Parliament of Iraq , said there is a meeting tomorrow to complete endeavors.

TUESDAY, MARCH 12 / MARCH 2013 13:21

Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, and there are problems “significant” between Baghdad and Arbil, at a time when Fatah deputy secretary general of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan “all” possibilities towards the position of the Kurds of this crisis.

Zebari said on the sidelines of a conference in Sulaimaniyah, accompanied by Vice President Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Barham Saleh, attended by “Twilight News”, that “there are big problems with Baghdad must determine the shape of the relationship between the province and Baghdad,” noting that there is “a dialogue to resolve those problems.” (more…)

Monday, 11 March 2013 10:28 | | |

Baghdad (AIN) –MP, Abdul al-Salam al-Maliki, of the State of Law Coalition confirmed that the oil revenues belong to all the Iraqis rather than to a single party or community.

He stated to AIN “The parliament voted on the Federal Budget and endorsed it through the majority,” noting that “The Budget endorsement was necessary because delaying it would have serious negative impacts on the economic structure of the country.” (more…)

Sunday, 10 March 2013 14:48 | | |

Baghdad (AIN) –MP, Latif Mustafa of the Kurdish Change bloc stated “The 2013 General Budget was not formed in an artistic, technical and federal way.”

He stated to All Iraq News Agency (AIN) “We will get the same results from the current Budget as we have got from the previous budgets of the last three years,” calling to “Cancel the 2013 Budget and make it federal Budgets in addition to canceling the federal ministries and transfer their budgets to the regions development.” (more…)

08/03/2013 13:03:00
Baghdad/ NINA /– MP Walid Mohammadi for Iraqiya Slate coalition described voting on the financial budget while Iraqiya Slate and Kurdistan Alliance were absente as arbitrary and a dangerous unprecedented as well as unacceptable process lack of any sense of national partnership. (more…)

7/3/2013 17:01:001


House of Representatives passed on Thursday and without the presence of Kurdish blocs, all articles of the draft budget bill for 2013, and announced Kurdish blocs that they will challenge the ratification of the budget of the Federal Court, and will have a political position about it.

In this regard, he said Dler Abdulkadir member Alliance bloc Kurdistan in the House of Representatives for PUKmedia: The House of Representatives approved on all material relating to the draft budget law for 2013, without attending Kurdish blocs, stressing that the Kurds will appeal to authenticate the budget and will make ways constitutional in this matter, and then they will have a political position about it. (more…)

Screen Shot 2013-03-02 at 9.12.15 AMMember of Taghyeer Movement says it is probable the Barazani succeeds Talabani as President
01/03/2013 22:04:00
Erbil (NINA) – Member of Kurdish Taghyeer (Change) Movement, Nariman Abdullah, said that it is more probable that President of Kurdistan Region, Massoud Barazani, will succeed President Jalal Talabani as President of Iraq.

In a statement to the press on Friday, Mar. 1, Abdullah said that the post of Iraq’s President is for the Kurds, they have the right to nominate their own. (more…)

Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki’s invitation to the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani to visit Baghdad to discuss outstanding issues between the Governments of the center and the province. (more…)

Date: 01/24/2013 14:47:58 Thursday

Baghdad (news) .. Attributed a member of the Oil and Energy Committee MP / mass change Kurdish / Bayazid Hassan, why continuing political differences between the governments of Arbil and Baghdad not to the enactment of the oil and gas, adding that all the committees on legislation law has not come to an agreement about passing a drafts for a vote.

Hassan said (of the Agency news): There are three committees formed in the House of Representatives for the purpose of amending draft law of oil and gas and pass one of them to the House of Representatives for a vote, but so far has not come to an agreement about passing one of the drafts. (more…)

23/01/2013 09:26:00

BAGHDAD / NINA / The MP, Alia Nassif demanded the authority of the Kurdistan region to “detect conventions held by the region with the Kuwaiti delegation, which recently visited the region, if it is really a part of Iraq.”

She explained, in a press statement: “Some of the media talked about three agreements between Kuwait and the Kurdistan region that the Iraqi government has not been informed. The first agreement is on oil investment and the second on residential investment and the third on business investment.” (more…)

Date: 2013-01-14 18: 29: 36 Monday

Erbil (newsletter) …Search Media and Kuwaiti press delegation at the Ministry of martyrs and Anfal in the Kurdistan Regional Government, said Monday, the tragedies that befell the Kurdish people in the era of the former Iraqi regime.

10-01-2013 10:20 AM

The Ministry «Peshmerga» Kurdish it would send a delegation to Baghdad on Sunday to hold negotiations with the federal government to end the military tension in the disputed areas, while assuring Kurdish lawmaker that unclear border between the disputed areas the main obstacles in reaching a final agreement. (more…)