Posts Tagged ‘Persian Gulf’

On: Saturday 03/09/2011 12:01

Baghdad (news) / report / Hussein Faleh / .. A number of MPs and economists and specialists to the transport sector deficit and the Department of Transportation to determine the prices of transport and providing the means for the transfer of government, as well as non Ghadertha on the development of this sector, calling in the talk (of the Agency news) that there are trade unions and civic organizations under the supervision of the government is taking its role in this area, Marjaheen reasons for the high price of transport to the instability of fuel prices,

And the lack of transmission lines, the government is called upon, making the vehicle owners to set prices appropriate for them and this is due to the lack of new planning and lack of clear vision for the ministries and misperception of the market economy.


02/09/2011 21:29

Baghdad / agencies
Kuwaiti sources said that military leaders told the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak to monitor the three missiles launched from Iraq last week and fell in Iraq.

The sources pointed out that monitoring has been shooting the air and the missile has already been directed to the port of Mubarak, was launched by mobile vehicles.


BAGHDAD (Iba) … Described member of the House of Representatives on the mass of the Virtue parliamentary Susan Saad, a Kuwaiti patrol assault on Iraqi fishermen and seized as an act falls within the hostile behavior of the Kuwaiti navy calling the Iraqi government to respond to this attack the way that put an end to repeat in the future.

The Al-Saad said in a statement received by the independent press (Iba) a copy of the establishment of a Kuwaiti naval patrol attacked the 12 fishermen Iraqi territorial waters in Faw, and taken to an unknown destination is the behavior reflects the extent of hostility to the Kuwaiti navy to the Iraqis, a crime punished by law international law and the riparian States, as well as it came in a very bad time and destroy the last hope to establish good relations between the two countries.


According to local authorities in Faw, on Friday, a Kuwaiti naval patrol that arrested at least for 8 Iraqi fishermen and seized their ship in the late night yesterday, as the ship took them with the direction of the Kuwaiti coast.

The head of the local council in Faw, Abdul Ali Fadel Rmathi in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “sea patrols Kuwaiti intercepted a fishing vessel Iraqi and arrested at least for 8 fishermen working on her back, which took them to their ship towards the coast of Kuwait,” noting that ” the arrest operation carried out late at night on Thursday but did not know by noon today. ”


BASRA, Iraq (Reuters) – Three rockets fired in Iraq’s southern oil port city of Basra landed inside Iraq and were not aimed at Kuwait or the disputed Mubarak port, an Iraqi official said on Friday.

Ali al-Maliki, head of the Basra provincial council’s security committee, said the rockets were aimed at the former U.S. prison camp Bucca and had a range of only one kilometre.

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25/08/2011 19:55

Basra portsBaghdad, August 25 / August (Rn) – An adviser in the Iraqi government Thursday to postpone the announcement of Iraq’s official position on the port to Mubarak after the Eid holiday.

It was scheduled to make Iraq the official position of the Port Mubarak on Tuesday, according to the news sources and officials.

The Iraqi government denied that the Iraqi technical delegation visited Kuwait recently signed an agreement with the Kuwaiti side on stages set up port Mubarak.


Iraqi portsBaghdad, August 24 / August (Rn) – denied legal adviser in the Iraqi government, Wednesday, the Iraqi technical delegation who visited Kuwait recently signed an agreement with the Kuwaiti side on the stages of the establishment Port Mubarak.

The legal adviser to the Prime Minister Fadel Mohammed Jawad told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the technical delegation who visited Kuwait recently has not signed any agreement with the Kuwaiti side because it is not a delegation to negotiate, but his mission focused to report to the government on the location of the port of Mubarak.”

Some of the media on Tuesday quoted the words of the Horse of the Technical Committee signed an agreement with Kuwait on the stages of the establishment Port Mubarak.


UMM QASR, Iraq (AP) — Iraq and Kuwait, two countries that share a small border and big history of mutual suspicion and war, are at it again. This time they are arguing about Kuwaiti plans to build a mammoth port that Iraq claims interferes with its shipping lanes in the Gulf.

Although it seems unlikely the tiff could escalate into another conflict, the remarks are disturbingly reminiscent of the recriminations that preceded Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Iraq in 1990 and point to the uneasy relationship that has persisted long after Saddam’s ouster.

“With this project, Kuwait has laid the cornerstone to put an end to Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations,” said Aliyah Nisayef, an Iraqi lawmaker who collected more than 70 signatures from parliament members denouncing the planned port, which would be among the Gulf’s largest and potentially overshadow Iraq’s proposals to attract shipping to its own tiny slice of the Gulf coast.

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Baghdad, August 23 / August (Rn) – The Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq, on Tuesday, the postponement of the government to declare an official position from the port of Mubarak Al-Kabeer Having examined the report of the Technical Committee on the Port of Mubarak the Great to the next week.

It was set to announce Iraq today formally its position on the construction of the port of Kuwait, Mubarak Al-Kabeer.

And ended by a technical committee Mtakhtsh Iraqi official visit to Kuwait earlier this week, having prepared a detailed report on the impacts of the port of Kuwait Mubarak technically on Iraq to export oil, navigation, and other minor damage.


Block belonging to Maliki’s coalition threatens Kuwait’s military response within 48 hours unless it halted construction of a port Mubarak

threatened to block the Knights of state law internalized within a coalition of state law, on Tuesday, the Kuwaiti government’s military response, and mobilization popular during the 48 hours that did not stop the construction of a port Mubarak, stressing that the crowds on the Kuwait border would not stand in the Iraqis to respond to the encroachment on Iraq.

The Secretary-General of the mass of Abdul Sattar Jabor bonded in a statement read during a press conference held today, attended by “Alsumaria News”, “the earlier statement of the Knights of state law gave the Kuwaitis ten days, started since the 13 of August, the current pressure on the Kuwaiti government on resolving the issue of Port Mubarak, “and urged that” the pressure during the next 48 hours, otherwise the Kuwaiti government will bear what will happen after the end of the period in which Omhlnahm them. ” threatened Aboudi, the Kuwaiti government to “military response and mobilization popular during the 48 hours, unless it halted construction of a port Mubarak, “asserting that” the crowds on the Kuwait border would not stand his face Iraqis in response to the encroachment on Iraq. ”


Uncovered Council support the Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations, Tuesday, from Kuwait signed the document is obliged to build a port in three phases with the delegation of Iraq, and emphasized that the construction of the port if it is in four stages, that would be a negative impact on traffic in the Iraqi , pointed out that Kuwait has expressed its understanding through a memorandum of understanding signed between the parties.

He said the Secretary General Abdul Rahim Al Rifai in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “Kuwait and signed with the Iraqi delegation recently visited on a document that commits the first to build the port in three phases, only , “noting that” the construction of the port if it is in four stages, that would be a negative impact and harmful on the traffic in Iraq. ”


Baghdad, August 23 / August (Rn) – An adviser to Iraqi Prime Minister for Legal Affairs, on Tuesday, said the Cabinet will discuss today the report of the Technical Committee on Port Mubarak government of Kuwait, noting that the Council of Ministers will issue a formal position on the subject at the end of the session.

And ended by a technical committee Mtakhtsh Iraqi official visit to Kuwait earlier this week, having prepared a detailed report on the impacts of the port of Kuwait Mubarak technically on Iraq to export oil, navigation, and other minor damage.

And put Kuwait last April the foundation stone for the construction of the port, “Mubarak the Great” in the Bubiyan Island, which lies in the far north-west Persian Gulf, and is the second largest island in the Gulf (890 square kilometers) after the Iranian island of Qeshm.


Iraq’s Foreign Ministry charged with treating Mubarak Port’s crisis with illegal manner, according to MP
8/22/2011 11:37 AM

BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: The Legislature of the White al-Iraqiya Bloc, Alia Nuseif, has demanded Iraq’s Foreign Ministry to deal with the crisis about Kuwait’s Mubarak Port, according to International laws and not on “non-committing correspondence and documents.”

“The Foreign Ministry is following a wrong direction, through dealing with correspondence and documents with the Kuwaiti side, that have no legal value, thinking that such documents might oblige the Kuwaiti side that its Mubarak Port won’t affect Iraq’s navigation movement,” Nuseif said in a statement on Monday.



Prepared by the Technical Committee, who visited Kuwait recently, its own port Mubarak, in preparation for discussion at the Council of Ministers tomorrow, without revealing its content, but a source close to the detection of the “morning” on the Kuwaiti side expressed its readiness to Tak procedures limit the impact of the port navigation in Iraq.

The Technical Committee rejected the President, Chairman of the advisers in the Prime Minister Thamer Ghadban, disclosure contained in the Commission’s report, saying only: “The technical committee completed its tasks and prepared its final report to be discussed at the Council of Ministers on Tuesday.”

The “morning”, saying: “The issue of such a task should be discussed thoroughly.”


Baghdad, August 20 / August (Rn) – The head of government of the Technical Committee that visited Kuwait last week, today, he had not been discussed with the Kuwaiti side on the crisis in the port of Mubarak, but has been viewed on the details of the establishment of the port.

Basra ports And Iraq had sent a panel of technical experts early last week to prepare a detailed report on the Port Mubarak and its negative effects, if any, on the navigation of Iraq, while Kuwait said before leaving the Iraqi delegation is ready to provide all kinds of help to complete its work.

And put Kuwait last April the foundation stone for the construction of the port, “Mubarak the Great” in the Bubiyan Island, which lies in the far north-west Persian Gulf, and is the second largest island in the Gulf (890 square kilometers) after the Iranian island of Qeshm.


Considered for the Commission on Security and Defense parliamentary Saturday, that the Kuwait not to deal with Iraq’s military Balthhid it smaller, while confirmed the presence of the Gulf states pay to this matter, carried the responsibility of Saudi Arabia and America’s insistence on building the port of Kuwait, Mubarak.

A member of the Commission on Security and Defense parliamentary Qasim Araji in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “Kuwait should not deal with Iraq Balthhid military is smaller than the size and population and its military can not face the Iraqi people and a country like Iraq,” adding that there are “countries Gulf in Kuwait to pay it. ”


Talks seem to have staved off difficulties between Iraq and Kuwait over the country’s mega-port construction in the restricted Khour Abdullah waterway, but the situation still has its tensions.

Baghdad said it was worried that Kuwait’s new giant port would strangle Iraqi shipping lanes and especially its oil exports. These have to pass through the narrow gap around Boubyan Island, the site of the port project – and a strategically sensitive area at the tip of the Gulf.

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Baghdad, August 15 / August (Rn) – started today in Kuwait, Iraq _ meetings to discuss a Kuwaiti port of Mubarak and discuss its effects on navigation of Iraq.

The head of the delegation, Thamer Ghadban in a telephone interview with the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the Iraqi-Kuwaiti Technical Committee began meeting to discuss the port site Mubarak and its effects on navigation and the movement of Iraqi ports.”

Anger did not disclose information about what is going on in Aajtmaa Technical Committee, Iraq – Kuwait.

He pointed out that “there is a response by the Kuwaiti side to listen to the proposals of the Technical Committee, which raised the problem of the Iraqi port site Mubarak.”


13/08/2011 12:59

Basra portsBaghdad, August 13 / August (Rn) – The head of the Technical Committee set up by the Iraqi government, that his committee will travel tomorrow to Kuwait to visit the port of Mubarak on site in order to provide a technical study on the effects of negative consequences of the construction of the port.

The lining its troops near the Kuwaiti island of Bubiyan, which will hopefully set up the port of Mubarak, the fear of attack by some extremist groups in Iraq, according Macd its ambassador in Iraq to the insured in a press statement on Friday.


Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Anger leads the Commission to negotiate with the Iraqi port of Kuwait on Mubarak

An official source in the Iraqi government said the Cabinet decided to appoint chief adviser Thamer Ghadban, president of the Technical Committee to negotiate with the port of Kuwait on Mubarak. The chancellor said the government Hussain Al Jabri said that “the Iraqi government concluded the formation of the Technical Committee under the chairmanship of the advisers Thamer Ghadban to discuss the effects of the port File Mubarak on the navigation of Iraq.”

He added that “the Iraqi government was making arrangements with Kuwait and wide to send the next Sunday to address the problem of the Kuwaiti port of Mubarak.” He Jabri, saying, “The Committee includes experts from the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the advisers and experts on navigation and ports of Iraq.”

KUWAIT CITY — Kuwait said on Sunday that threats by Iraqi militants will not deter the oil-rich emirate from completing the construction of a controversial megaport between the two nations.

“We are not scared by threats and we are continuing the construction work in the project. Work is ongoing smoothly and as planned,” foreign ministry undersecretary Khaled al-Jarallah told reporters.

The Kuwaiti official was responding to new threats by Iraqi Shiite militant group Ketaeb Hezbollah that it will strike the port if Kuwait did not halt construction.

The group made its first threat last month and Kuwaiti newspapers on Sunday published new threats by the same group.

“This threat is unfortunate and irresponsible,” Jarallah said after a presentation on Mubarak Al-Kabeer port to heads of foreign diplomatic missions in Kuwait.

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belgium-trainBaghdad, August 3 / August (Rn) – An economic adviser in the Iraqi government, Wednesday, the NOC of Iraq, Kuwait, link in the channel dry, as agreed internationally.

He said peace Algarisa of Kurdistan News Agency (Rn) that “Iraq will not hinder the canal system to link Kuwait to activate the dry trade and bolster the economy between the two countries because of the crisis, Mubarak port between the two countries.”

He added that “international law does not allow the railway to Kuwait to Iraq to prevent the railway link to the channel dry because of international conventions on that.”


Ministry of OilBaghdad, August 1 / August (Rn) – The Iraqi government said on Monday that its counterpart Kuwaiti shown flexibility to resolve the crisis at the port of Mubarak through dialogue such as the expected visit of the technical committee Iraq to Kuwait in order to know the details of construction of the port, which objects to Baghdad, he says it affects waterway in the Persian Gulf.

Kuwait has rejected Iraq’s request last Wednesday to halt work at the port of Mubarak Al-Kabeer, and said that work is continuing on schedule, planned, and stated that the Iraqi request to stop work is surprising, and not based on any legal basis.


Al-Mutlaq: Iraq will take a firm stand against any attempt to expand cooperation with countries that are trying to harm

Baghdad (news) .. Okdnaúb Prime Minister for Services Affairs Saleh al-Mutlaq, “that Iraq will take a firm stand against any attempt to expand cooperation with countries that are trying to harm him,” adding that that “on others that Aatohmoa that Iraq will provide the railway with any country trying to suffocate him. “. He said

He said al-Mutlaq in a statement received by the Agency (news) a copy of it and during a meeting with a group of tribal leaders and notables of the province of Basra, “The attempt by the Kuwaiti government to build a port Mubarak in place of the current effort to provoke Iraq,” stressing at the same time “the need not to respond to provocations that come from some parliamentarians and members of the Kuwaiti government. ”

He stressed on the al-Mutlaq “The Iraqis, Kuwaitis are brothers and there is no ready Nrab any Kuwaiti woman, as happened previously and we look to the Kuwaiti They are our brothers and our loved ones.”


Baghdad, July 27 (Rn) – The Iraqi government Wednesday officially [told to seize] Kuwait Mubarak to build a port while making sure not affected the rights of Iraq in the common water, called upon the Parliamentary Legal Committee to the need to reconsider the international resolutions on Iraq.

And Kuwait announced start the implementation of Port Mubarak on the sixth of April / April 2011 and began to machinery and equipment construction heavy is currently working on piling, and construction of roads and construction of surface facilities on the island of Bubiyan uninhabited, which lies opposite the site port of Faw


Announced on Wednesday its intention to build the Mubarak Port “till the end,” whilst Kuwaiti diplomatic sources said that the port’s project had been settled politically and won’t be discussed with the Iraqi side in the next meeting of the High Kuwaiti-Iraqi Committee, scheduled to convene in Baghdad after the month of Ramadan, according to the Kuwaiti al-Siyasa newspaper.

Al-Siyasa, in its Wednesday issue, has quoted the Official Spokesman for the Kuwaiti government and the State Minister for the Kuwaiti Council of Ministers, Ali Al-Rashid, as saying that “the Kuwaiti government is marching forward, without stop, to build the Mubarak Port’s project ‘till the end,’ denying that explosions have taken place close to the Port 10 days ago.


Iraq resort to the United Nations to resolve the crisis, the port of “Blessed”

On: Tuesday 07/26/2011 9:48

Confirmed the decision the House of Representatives that Iraq will resort to the United Nations in case of incapacity of negotiating committees in solving the Port Mubarak criticized the legal expert of the wrong policies of the Saddam regime that have contributed to giving the UN Security Council of Kuwait more than their right to land and sea borders.

MP Muhammad Al-Khalidi, the Iraqi List, the House following the issue of port Mubarak, Kuwait’s very concerned and await the report of the Committee which was formed in Council in coordination with the Ministries of Transport and Foreign Affairs.



“Iraq’s Gate” Kuwait – Kuwaiti Ambassador in Baghdad to the insured, on Saturday, his willingness to return to Iraq within hours if requested by the Iraqi government, noting that his country’s embassy is still open and functioning normally.

A believer that “the Iraqi government if Ahtajtna for any purpose during the hours I’ll be in Baghdad,” referring to the spending “now leave in Kuwait throughout the month of Ramadan next, and then return to Iraq after the Eid al-Fitr.”


BaghdadDemonstrators “liberation” condemn the Iranian bombardment of the villages of Kurdistan and the excesses of Kuwait

Baghdad, July 22 (Akaenoz) – demonstrators started flocking on Tahrir Square in central Baghdad on Friday, carrying banners condemning the bombing Iranian border villages of the region of Kurdistan and the excesses of Kuwait through the port of Mubarak, while not without protest from carrying banners, including for the provision of services and opportunities work at the time of the Iraqi security forces sealed off Tahrir Square.


Wednesday 07/20/2011 12:11

Sout Al Basra: The House of Representatives member for the Iraqi bloc white Ahmed Ureybi believed the possibility of resolving the outstanding issues with Kuwait, noting that the joint committees took it upon themselves to resolve these outstanding issues between the two countries.

The Oraibi in a press statement on Wednesday that the outstanding issues with Kuwait will be addressed by the objective during the next few months.
