House of Representatives reveals exchange $8.8 billion of Iraq’s development of the documents without

Posted: May 2, 2012 in Iraqi Dinar/Politics
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WEDNESDAY, 02 MAY / MAY 2012 08:59

investigative committee revealed in the Development Fund for Iraq funds formed by the House of Representatives, Wednesday, for the amount of $ 8.8 billion exchange of documents without, indicating that the total amount that is being investigated on it with a $ 61 billion.

A member of the Committee Deputy cult in a statement reported for ” Twilight News “,” The Inspector General, the U.S. charged with investigating money that the Development Fund for Iraq between there are $ 8.8 billion has been spent without vouchers or documents showing the disbursement, although it is denoted by Kmbalg disbursed at the time of Bremer. ”

“There is a $ 7 billion spent documents contain problematic and violations on the matches, and other amounts worth up to $ 25 billion into the Development Fund and spent on projects of security and other military equipment.”

The U.S. Inspector General Stuart Bowen submitted to the U.S. Congress in 2009, a report on corruption and was accompanied by a large reconstruction projects in Iraq and spent large sums of money by the Iraqi and American.

And the transfer of Waeli for U.S. Inspector General Stuart Bowen said that “There are 60 U.S. figure is investigated on the money and the second report will include their names, either names will be submitted to the Iraqi government of Iraq.”

He said the “place of checking the total amount of $ 61 billion, and that the Inspector-General will present two reports, the first in the month of July of this year and the second in January of next year,” 2013.

Baghdad has seen the beginning of this week a new round of talks, the Iraqi-American for research into the fate of tens of billions that described as “money lost” during the rule of Iraq by the Coalition Provisional Authority headed by Paul Bremer (2003-2004).

The Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways with the Inspector U.S. special investigations Iraqi funds and U.S. disbursed under the section “reconstruction of Iraq,” Stuart Bowen, a number of aspects of the investigations and promised Washington it be held after the disclosure of “ambiguity” about the fate of around forty billion dollars of “fund the reconstruction of Iraq. ”

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