Archive for May 12, 2012



called a member of the parliamentary finance committee and the representative of the National Alliance, Haitham al-Jubouri to apply the process of replacing the currency properly to reduce the volatility caused.

Jubouri said L / JD / “The replacement of the currency reduces the volatility of the current Iraqi dinar and the dollar if carefully studied and applied the correct steps.”



Baghdad: JD’s Ministry of Planning for headline inflation for the month of April last (1%) compared with the previous month of March .. The index of annual inflation for the period from April 2011 until April 2012 by (8.7%).

She attributed the Ministry in a press release issued by the Information Office of reasons for the high annual inflation to rising food prices section and non-alcoholic beverages amounted to about a significant (13%) due to higher prices of vegetables .. (more…)

If you follow the news you know much is happening in Iraq.  This time the headlines spare the paper from violence, bombs, and death but today its much more about fighting for democracy, economic growth, and international relations.

What a difference a day can make. (more…)

The parliamentary economic committee called the Iraqi government the application of customs tariffs and the transfer of a free economy to enter Iraq to the WTO.

The decision of the Committee and the representative of the Kurdistan Alliance Mahma Khalil’s / JD / The “to ensure Iraq’s entry into the World Trade Organization must be preceded by several steps, including the application of several laws of the government.”

Khalil added, “There is a program and a desire for Iraq’s accession to the WTO.” (more…)

Criticize a member of the Finance Committee in Parliament MP from / National Alliance / Amin Abbas, the measures taken by the Central Bank adopted for the sale of hard currency because it ascertains the balance between the Iraqi dinar and the U.S. dollar, through the presentation of quantities in the local market. (more…)


Central Bank of Iraq revealed a slight decrease in the demand for hard currency. The governor of the Bank’s Shabibi / JD / “The demand for hard currency fell slightly after the adoption of new procedures to reduce the fluctuation of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar.”

Shabibi noted “that the bank released the hard currency and freely available to customers within the guidelines.” (more…)

Confirmed that the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation, “headline inflation for the month of April last by / 1% / month of March compared with the previous year.”

Said in a statement today: “The annual inflation index for the period from April 2011 until April 2012 rose by / 8.7% /. (more…)

2012-05-12 13:27:36

BAGHDAD (Iba) … MP from the Sadrist movement Jawad Awad Jubouri that the legislative recess of the Parliament and the disruption of his work will not affect the national meeting to be held.

Jubouri said, told the independent press (Iba) members of parliament enjoy the holiday of the legislative council will not affect the national meeting was held, and that the masses watching the developments on the political scene, and follow up consultations and meetings that take place between leaders of political blocs. (more…)

11/05/2012 22:08

BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: The President of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Ammar al-Hakim, the hope that the remaining lines of communication and dialogue open between all parties and political blocs in order to serve the political process and contribute to resolving the current crisis with the country, noting that the Constitution should be accepted a whole and not selectively. (more…)

On: Saturday 05/12/2012 8:32

Met with President Jalal Talabani yesterday in Baghdad, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, and the meeting discussed in detail all the political problems encountered in the process of building the state, and emphasis was placed on the need to overcome through joint action and understandings of national based on the Constitution, agreements and worksheets raised through the national meeting, including ensure participation of all in building Iraq and tracks progress of the political process. (more…)

Date: Saturday, 12-05-2012 12: 04 pm

Baghdad (newsletter) … The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank sees the appearance of Mohamed Saleh, to submit a report on the status of bank financial Sergeant alorkaa to the Central Bank within the next few days to see a bank financial assets hand and its required external financial, legal actions in the light of the report. (more…)


Baghdad (news) favored the Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, a report by Sgt financial on the status of the Warka Bank to the Central Bank during the next few days to know the status of the bank financial terms of its assets and financial liabilities of Foreign Affairs, to take legal action in the light of the report. (more…)

Erbil, May 11 / May (Rn) – The deputy of the Kurdistan Alliance, on Friday, said the official holiday of the second legislative session for the second year of the Iraqi Council of Representatives will begin next Monday and will continue for 30 days. (more…)

BAGHDAD, May 12 (AKnews) – Iraqiya List will soon declare it will join forces with the Kurdistan Blocs Coalition to counter the “unilateralist” rule, said an Iraqiya MP.

“The coming days will witness the announcement of a new alliance. Iraqiya is heading towards a strategic alliance with the Kurdistan Blocs Coalition (KBC),” said Talal al-Zubayee. (more…)

StrSaturday, May 12 / May 2012 11:52

Research and Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, with European Commission President Manuel Barroso in Brussels, the importance of entering into long-term Stratja cooperation in the field of energy between the two countries.

According to a ministry statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it today that “Zebari met with President of the European Commission in Brussels and the two sides discussed ways of strengthening the relationship between Iraq and the European Union after the signing of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the two sides as a new foundation to build future relations with Europe, covering various aspects and establish a real partnership to contribute to the achievement of cooperation between the two sides.  (more…)

Date: Saturday, 12-05-2012 03: 04 pm

Baghdad (newsletter) … Member State law the National Alliance deputy//Abbas Al-Bayati, the absence of loss of any part of the border with Iraq by the Iraqi Government, noting that the House vote on the final treaties and conventions and not to international protocols.
He said Al-Bayati (News Agency news) on Saturday: the demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait since 1991, in accordance with United Nations resolutions, adding that each being now is install boundary markers in the form in which it saves parties ‘ rights, and there is no loss of Iraqi Government side on the Iraqi border. (more…)

Saturday, May 12 / May 2012 15:31

Said a representative for the Iraqi List, said the meeting of Irbil Five deadline is a deadline to answer Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on the implementation of the Convention on Arbil.

The MP said Hussein al-Shaalan told all of Iraq [where] that “the deadline set by the meeting of Irbil Five fifteen days is the deadline for the answer to Maliki responded on the extent of his commitment to whether or not the implementation of the Convention on Erbil and not for the withdrawal of confidence about him or about his government as rumored in the media.” (more…)

Baghdad / Orr News

A source high-level political deal that the demarcation of the Iraq-Kuwait border was $ 16 million was distributed to four major parliamentary blocs, and said there was “a deliberate intention to remain quiet on any formula out by the Joint Commission for the demarcation of the Kuwaiti-Iraqi border.” (more…)

Confirmed the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is going through a real dilemma, indicating that the impasse that is going through is not the secret message after the Arbil made against the alliance on the application of benefits or withdrawal of confidence with him.

A spokesman for the National Accord Movement, affiliated to the Iraqi Hadi and to the Agency (Orr) “Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is going through a real dilemma after the letter addressed to the National Alliance on the application of national benefits through legal during a period of 15 days.” (more…)

2012-05-12 09:57:49

BAGHDAD (Iba) .. Prime Wazzranora Maliki said Iraq’s power comes through an alliance with one of his sons, and not through an alliance with others., Describing the meeting of Arbil as an attempt to end the national meeting, and some who were at the meeting from which they want to target a particular person. (more…)