Posts Tagged ‘Kirkuk’


Said the International Energy Agency in its report that oil production in Iraq rose by 12% in 2011, while warning that the political instability inside Iraq in the development of operational and logistical constraints on the oil sector.

A report by the International Energy Agency obtained by “Twilight News”, that “Iraq’s oil production rose by 12% in 2011 compared to the previous year but this increase was not reflected in exports due to poor infrastructure.” (more…)

27/01/2012 11:46
BAGHDAD, Jan,27 (AKnews)- All the components of the Iraqiya List, led by Ayad Allawi, will meet Sunday to decide whether or not end a boycott of the House of Representatives and Council of Ministers.

Mohammed al-Khaledi, an Iraqiya deputy told AKnews that during a meeting yesterday it was decided that the final decision over the boycott be taken on Sunday.

Iraqiya boycotted the sessions after Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki refused the regional autonomy demands by Diyala and Salahaddin provincial councils. (more…)

Central Bureau of Statistics, Thursday, for the completion of the preparatory phase of the recent survey of the social and economic status of families in Iraq in 2012, noting that the survey will begin mid-month of January.

The Central Bureau of Statistics said in a statement received “Twilight News” copy of “The Directorate of living conditions in the Central Bureau of Statistics concluded training courses for teams of field survey of the social and economic status of households in Iraq 2012”, noting that “the preparatory phase is the final stage before the direct implementation of the survey.” .

Investor Guides Assist Opportunity SeekersIn his joint press conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on December 12, 2011, President Barak Obama noted that “In the coming years, it’s estimated that Iraq’s economy will grow even faster than China’s or India’s.”

Foreign and regional investors interested in Iraq’s economic potential, but uncertain about the country’s investment regulations, arbitration laws and tax structure, should consider consulting a series of recently published Investor Guides. Produced by the USAID-Tijara Provincial Economic Growth Program, Investor Guides are an example of US-Iraqi cooperation to support private sector development and economic growth in Iraq under the auspices of the Strategic Framework Agreement.


Kirkuk, November 29 (Rn) – reduced the number of officials from Kirkuk province, Tuesday, the last statement of the existing Iraqi President Iyad Allawi, who pointed out that the adoption of the law of oil and gas will solve the problems of Kirkuk by 70%.

The leader of the Iraqi List, Iyad Allawi had said earlier in the city of Arbil that the adoption of the law of oil and gas will solve the political problems in the province of Kirkuk by 70%.

There are several pending issues between Baghdad and Erbil, especially one of the disputed areas and the budget of the Regional Corps (Peshmerga), but the strained relationship surfaced recently, after the rejection of a draft of the Kurdistan Region Oil and Gas Law approved by the Iraqi government. (more…)

Baghdad, November 16 (Rn) – The United Nations Mission in Iraq on Wednesday, the poverty rate in Iraq of up to 23% confirmed they are working on creating job opportunities for young people in the oil and gas and building the capacity of government institutions to benefit from the experience.

The Country Director of UNDP in Iraq Pietro Ptchelor during a press conference at United Nations Headquarters in Baghdad that “the proportion of poverty in Iraq, according to numbers registered with the United Nations up to 23%,” indicating that “the United Nations is working to create jobs for citizens in oil and gas. ” (more…)

08/11/2011 15:17

Baghdad, November 8 (Rn) – called the Iraqi market for securities of nine companies listed on the market to provide its financial statements pursuant to applicable laws.

The executive director of the market Abdul Razzaq al-Saadi told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the Securities Commission called for nine companies to provide business financial statements of the application of Law No. 14 which requires disclosure of the financial assets of the companies listed on the market.” (more…)

In a letter to clarify its mission «morning»

Refuted the UN mission in Iraq, “UNAMI” circulated information and news agencies, according to Washington’s quest to get a UN resolution underlines the lack of civil government to keep U.S. troops in Iraq.

The mission said in a letter to clarify its mission to “morning” yesterday: “The head of the mission, Martin Kobler keen to serve Iraq and its people and helping to push forward the efforts of Iraq to consolidate stability and peace, and he was working with the Government of Iraq on the principle of mutual trust and respect the Iraqi people.”

It is said that the “morning” was quoted by the news agencies, news stating the endeavor of Washington to get a UN resolution underlines the lack of civil government to keep its troops in the country after the end of this year, as quoted by the “morning” answers to MPs and experts in the law in a professional manner on this information. (more…)

mirten cobler.

UN envoy in Iraq on a tour of the disputed next week

Baghdad, October 27 / October (Rn) – The United Nations envoy in Iraq, Martin Kobler on Thursday, he will begin early next week to tour the disputed areas between Baghdad and Erbil to work to find formulas for understanding between the people of those areas before the withdrawal of the U.S. Army in the end of this year.

And recognizes the veteran German diplomat Kubler his duties as envoy to the United Nations in Iraq in August / August substitute for Dutch Ad Melkert to oversee the activities of the organization of international political, economic and humanitarian there.


26/10/2011 16:39

Kirkuk, Oct. 26 (AKnews) – President of Kurdistan Region told local officials in Kirkuk that the best solution to the issue of the disputed province was the implementation of article 140 of the Iraqi constitution.

Barzani, who is on a visit to Kirkuk, said in an address to local officials that officials in Kirkuk that “we are awaiting the implementation of article 140 which gives the residents of the city, in three stages, the choice to decide their fates”


24/10/2011 18:25


Baghdad, October 24 / October (Rn) – The United Nations envoy in Iraq, Martin Kobler said that Iraq will face challenges after the U.S. withdrawal end of the year, adding that the Iraqi government must work to build good relations with neighboring countries.

Kubler said during his speech at the occasion of the anniversary of Baghdad’s 66 for the start of the United Nations Mission in the world, “there may be some of the challenges facing Iraq had after the U.S. withdrawal … Iraq must prove to the world as a sovereign state, a determine their own future.”


The Oil Ministry announced that the total crude oil exports for the month of September 2011 Was last (63.1) Sixty-three million one hundred thousand barrels, and that the amounts realized from the sale was estimated at (6.619) six billion, six hundred and nineteen million dollars.

He said the ministry spokesman Assem Jihad: That the exported quantities of crude oil to last Shahrailol Tksmt between the Basra oil exports, which total (53.0) Fifty-three Million barrels and that the value of the amounts realized from the sale was estimated at (5.529) is five Billion And five hundred and twenty-nine Million.


Said spokesman for U.S. forces in Iraq, Major General Buchanan that the American flag will disappear for all U.S. bases in Iraq by the end of this year. And he said in an interview with the (morning) that “the withdrawal is in accordance with the security agreement signed between Iraq and the United States, as it will withdraw troops and mechanisms within the table time and place to be a military presence is zero on the final day of this year. ”

And he was handed over bases of Baiji and Mosul last week, and decreased the number of bases that were occupied by troops of 69 base over the past year to 23 base.


The Council of Representatives, on Monday, its the 36 of the legislative year the second headed by the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Qusay al-Suhail and the presence of 211 deputies, with parliamentary source that the agenda for the meeting includes a vote on the candidate list the Iraqi Ministry of Electricity Karim Aftan, and on the draft law of the Federal Court and the Supreme Judicial Council, The first and second readings of a number of laws.


Raised the presidency of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Thursday, at the session of Parliament 35 of the legislative year the second to the next Saturday, while the parliamentary source that the meeting witnessed the adoption of a mechanism electronic voting as an alternative to raising the hands and the first and second readings of other laws, as did not include meeting the second reading of the Law Council strategy policies and the Supreme .


Baghdad (news) .. started the House of Representatives shortly before its meeting of 35 of the legislative term under the chairmanship of President of the Council Osama Najafi and the presence of 235 deputies.

A reporter Agency (news) in the Council that “the agenda that was distributed free of said second reading of the National Council of the policies High contrast said yesterday that today’s meeting will see the second reading of the bill Council senior policy. ” (more…)

Schedule work session (35)
Thursday (6) October 2011

Posted: Monday October 3, 2011

First, read verses from the Koran.

Second, the vote on the bill abolishing the reservation to article Iraq (9) of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against women contained in Law No. (66) for the year 1986. (Committee on Women, Family and Children, Committee on Foreign Relations).


Description of the Institute of Peace in the United States, on Saturday, the uniqueness of the decision of de-Baathification Bremer disbanded the Iraqi army grave mistake, as he emphasized that Iraq is currently in a serious and significant obstacles in front of him, he noted that Iraqi forces were not ready to assume its responsibilities in the event of an American withdrawal is complete.

The director of the Institute Paul Hughes in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “The American administration made a grave mistake when it agreed to the former civilian governor of Iraq Paul Bremer’s decision to disband the Iraqi army and de-Baathification,” noting that “the National Congress leader Ahmed Chalabi was pressing to pass resolution “.


Posted on 19 September 2011. Tags: oil production

Bloomberg reports that Iraq’s oil production rose to 2.81 million barrels a day, the highest level since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.

Output from oilfields in the Basra reached 2.113 million barrels a day, while daily production in Kirkuk stood at 697,000 barrels, the Oil Ministry said in a statement.
(Source: Bloomberg)

Air Force Transfers Final Sector Of Northern Iraq’s Airspace To Iraq Civil Aviation Authority

The U.S. Air Force transferred the final sector of northern Iraq’s airspace to the Iraq Civil Aviation Authority here on Aug. 25. With the assumption of this sector, the ICAA received control of airspace in Kirkuk from ground level to 15,000 feet.

“This transfer is significant because it is the most complex airspace sector the ICAA has taken to date,” said Maj. Adam Fiedler, an airspace planner with the U.S. Forces-Iraq Air Component Coordination Element-Iraq. “This one sector will control aircraft on departure and landing to five airfields.”

Read More:


Parliament and Minister of Planning is hosting next week for the census

Committee announced the economy and investment representative, Tuesday, for hosting and planning minister next week to discuss the possibility of a general census of population in the country.

The Member of the economy and investment Nahida Daini in an interview (twilight) “The House of Representatives and Minister of Planning will host next week to follow up the basic design and new cities as well as to examine the details of the general census of population and how Ansiabatha in the country.”

Economists warn of a lot of exposure to the disruption of development plans as there were not an accurate database can be relied on to implement those plans, and it lies in a general census of population in the country.


House adds Shahristani at its next meeting and vote on the formation of a committee on Kirkuk targeting doctors

Baghdad, July 26 (Rn) – A member of the Commission on oil and energy parliamentary said its board will add next Thursday, Deputy Prime Minister for Energy, Hussein Shahristani, Oil Minister Abdul-Karim and coffee to discuss the program of the government within the government program, as announced Edwalnwab for the Kurdistan Alliance bloc, the Council vote House of Representatives in its the 13 today in principle to form a committee to investigate the facts about the targeting of doctors in the province of Kirkuk.

A member of the Furat al-Shara told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) that “the Commission on oil and energy will add in a public hearing in the House next Thursday, Deputy Prime Minister for Energy, Hussein Shahristani, Oil Minister Abdul-Karim and coffee.”


Secret memo: U.S. troops remain in Iraq until the 2016
Revealed a secret memo from semi-agreement between Baghdad and Washington over U.S. troops to stay until the end of the year 2016. The note identifies the decisions and rules that will be used by the Americans in Iraq after the end of the year.

The newspaper “term” for Iraq that “the memo show the presence of intense debate among Iraqi and U.S. governments on international forces to be an alternative to the U.S. counterpart after the end of 2011 to protect the border and training Iraqi forces.”


BAGHDAD (Rn): Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, said Wednesday he will begin serious endeavors to persuade the political blocs to conduct a census before the end of this year, stressing that the government needs to Exact data to develop a booming strategic plans.

Maliki said at a conference held in the Secretariat of the Council of the Prime Minister on the occasion of completion of the inventory of housing by the Ministry of Planning and attended by the correspondent of the News Agency of Kurdistan (Rn) that “the Iraqi government and the Higher Committee of the census completed all the accessories needed to conduct the census during the coming period and before the end this year after an extensive tour to begin to convince the political blocs need to end the political differences about it. ”


Oil Ministry announced yesterday that the refineries of the four plans to create will raise Iraq’s production of oil derivatives to 1.0005 million barrels a day, asserting that Iraq will turn from an importer to exporter of petroleum products after the completion of the refinery, as pointed out that the refinery in Karbala is the most demand for investment compared to refineries other.

The agent said the oil ministry for liquidation and gas industry, Ahmed Chandler: The Oil Ministry is currently in contact with a number of investors for the purpose of implementation and construction of four refineries in four Iraqi provinces, indicating that these refineries will raise Iraq’s production of oil derivatives to 1.0005 million thousand barrels per day, thus turning from a net importer of petroleum products to the source of it.


Baghdad, July 10 (Rn) – The Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation of Iraq on Sunday, it will raise a formal letter to the Council of Ministers of the need for population census on time and urged the political blocs to end their differences on the process of conducting the census.

It was due to hold general population census in the country in 2009, but the process is delayed more than once because of the objections of some parties to conduct in the disputed areas between Erbil and Baghdad.


pare iraqi, para, moneyErbil, July 8 (Rn) – The head of the Irbil branch of the Federation of Kurdish businessmen on Friday, that through our union is run hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars, which was not rigid their owners use them in the processes of trade.

Xuan said Abdul Hamid, told the Kurdish news agency (Rn) announced today that “the overall position of the Union of businessmen Kordestani, followed by the four branches in the cities of Arbil, Sulaymaniyah and Dohuk, Kirkuk, 150 members belong to him.”

And the size of the capital business, I said “I can not reveal the size of capital of any person,” noting that “after the founding of the organization in the province of Kurdistan, was running hundreds of millions of capital that rigid were not subject to commercial exchanges.”


UN’s leading political official concludes Iraqi visit

Erbil, June 15 (AKnews) – The head of the UN Department of Political Affairs General B. Lynn Pascoe left Iraq yesterday at the end of a three-day visit.

During his visit Mr. Pascoe met with the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and other leading officials in Baghdad, Kirkuk and Erbil.

During all of these meetings, Mr. Pascoe is said to have reiterated the UN’s commitment to offering assistance to Iraq and looked at ways of improving efforts to meet the needs of the Iraqi population.


BAGHDAD (Nasser Hussain): UN official said the highest political and head of the United Nations Department for Political Affairs, Under-Secretary-General (Lynn Pascoe), “Iraq is still the top priority on the agenda of the United Nations and we will do everything in our power to help this country and his people to ensure a better future and more secure and prosperous world for all people who salute and pay tribute to the courage and steadfastness in the face of most attempts to disrupt Iraq’s progress toward stable democracy to meet the aspirations of its people. ”


United Nations show Astaadadaha to help Iraq on the disputed
15/06/2011 15:52

Erbil, June 15 (Rn) – The United Nations official with the highest political and head of the United Nations for Political Affairs, Under-Secretary-General Lynn Pascoe, the international organization’s readiness to help Iraq on the disputed areas between Erbil and Baghdad.

A statement of the international organization, she received news agency Kurdistan (Rn) a copy of it, said, “Pascoe finished a visit to Iraq on Wednesday, lasted for five days where he met Iraqi officials in Baghdad and Kirkuk, Erbil and with the leaders and staff of the United Nations Mission to help Iraq and the United Nations country team.”
